What are the balls in mining. As the complexity of the solutions affect the extraction of crypto currencies


2018-03-14 18:30:12




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What are the balls in mining. As the complexity of the solutions affect the extraction of crypto currencies Source:

Consider on your toes, what is a globe, why does she need a complex than a ball different from the decision block, and why they should not be confused. To learn the material, we strongly recommend you to read the article , and even better — all of it .

Let's go to the pool the Pool uses a system of payments , and the main pool provided the complexity of the balls — 4G. Similar to the designation of the mobile Internet, but it's not. Let's deal with everything in order.


What is ball (share) in mining

We said:

Since mining-the device alone is very long to find the right solution, to expedite the process, each device receives the task to calculate with significantly less complexity, and the mining pool checks whether each solution along with a complete solution of the problem. Thus even weak devices that work simultaneously on one task, have a chance to find a solution that will allow you to create a new block.

Mining pool receives solutions from all the miners that are connected to it, and if one of these many solutions is correct, the pool gets the reward for the block.

Bowl (share) — a possible solution of a block.

As it was Pelevin: looks like the decision block, but in fact not. That is maybe the solution, but not necessarily...

For Example, if the decision unit is the number with 10 zeros on the end, the ball can be a number with 5 zeros at the end. One of the ball sooner or later will have not only 5, but all 10 zeros, it will solve block.

Very often young miners mistakenly think that when they see an inscription Found Share and Share accepted, then they found the block, and if you look at the screenshot below, you direct 2, and they definitely relies a lot of money.

the Ball of the right mining pool to assess the contribution of the miner into the General pool to find a block. 

On the basis of constantly send the ball miner pool, pool building schedule Hasrat miner and understands that the miner online or not.

There are many ways of assessing the contribution of the miner (distribution of reward): PPS, PROP, PPLNS, PPLNT and others. This is great material for another article, let's consider one of the systems — PPLNS.

How do the PPLNS payouts

PPLNS is translated as «Pay Per Last N Shares», or in Russian «Payment for the last N ball», where N is an arbitrary number set by the administrators of mining-pool. For Example, N = 20000. What does this mean?

While block payments to miners produced according to the share of their contribution in the last 20000 ball pool. That is, if the reward for a block of an Ether — ETH 3, and your ball in the last 20,000 pool will be 1000, then you will receive 5% of the total unit — 0.15 ETH. Math is quite simple. On 2Miners you can go to stats and see automatically, what percent of your ball on the pool at the moment. For example, for the miner with the address of the wallet 0x00b45d7f146b865c5d8d24c5595e900d5b06e3b4 — trying to drive it in the upper right corner of the pool and into a Share of the ball can be found in the yellow box:


Complexity balls

So, back to the beginning of the article we will understand what the difficulty is 4G (although it can be 8G/16G/1000000G…).

Once again, highly recommend to read . If you «theme», then take a look :

At the time of writing, the complexity of the Ethereum 3.12, P = 3 120 T = 3 120 000 G. Sometimes the complexity denoted in P, T, G or Ph/Th/Gh. Essentially it does not change, the complexity of the Air 3 peaches = 3 thousands teraherz = 3 million gigaherz.

Next, we will consider only the ideal world for the sake of simplicity, that is luck 100%. Assume that the pools line up and get the blocks in order in accordance with its hasraton: 2Miners 500 Mh/s — that's it 10 blocks a day, XMiners 5000 Mh/s — that he is 100 blocks a day. In fact, it may be completely wrong, one day the pool when herate 500 Mh/s will receive 5 units the other day — 10 blocks, the third day — 13 units, although Herat is all the same 500 Mh/s. However, if we consider a large amount of time, luck will tend to 100%.

So, in a perfect world, luck 100%, Ethereum network:

  • if the difficulty was 3 P, then each ball would be a decision block.
  • the
  • if the difficulty was 1 P, then every third ball would be a decision block.
  • the
  • if the difficulty was 3 T, then the complex thousandth of a ball would be a decision block.

The Catch? If the complexity of Ethereum is 3.12 P, and the share difficulty of the pool is 4 G, then drum roll… the pool needs to in a perfect world 780 000 ball to find the solution to a single block.

In the real world, again, it could be 10 million or 2 ball ball. If you take several weeks or even months at a constant complexity of the network and complexity of the ball, then the average number of shares for one unit in that pool will tend to 780 000.


Communication complexity balloons and complexity of mining

  1. Found the globe and the decision unit different terms.
  2. the
  3. Difficulty does not affect the number of blocks found by the pool.
  4. the
  5. Difficulty does not affect the award to the miner.
  6. the
  7. Balls need only to miners could follow the work of the farms and the pool could distribute the reward between miners.

If the miner on the pool only one, you can put a difficulty equal to the complexity of the network. In this case, visually in the statistics pool nothing will happen! Absolutely! And then, once the block! But then again, sitting in ambush for hours or days — very uncomfortable. And if a few miners, when such great complexity is simply unclear how to distribute the reward.

Difficulty is selected on a mining pool so that miners worked comfortably and see detailed statistics of their work, and the pool went nuts from the insane amount received the ball and did not lay down to rest.



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