the Mysteries of nature 90

How flying snakes manage their flight?

How flying snakes manage their flight?

Paradise decorated — the only snake that can fly all snakes, without exception, missing legs, so they can only move by crawling. But in the forests of Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and other warm countries it is possible to meet ...


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The Internet once again started talking about the Loch Ness monster

The Internet once again started talking about the Loch Ness monster

something like this would look like the Loch Ness monster. If there were. the deepest lake of Scotland is the Loch ness, the depth of which is about 230 meters. Thousands of years ago Roman soldiers invaded Scottish lands and foun...


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What animals are afraid of a shark?

What animals are afraid of a shark?

Shark can seem the most terrifying aquatic predators, but they are actually very careful and vulnerable. At the moment scientists know of the existence of the 526 species of sharks, most of them ruthless killers. Reports of shark ...


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Birds can see colors that we cannot even imagine

Birds can see colors that we cannot even imagine

Some birds see the world brighter than we are. And it is scientifically proven no matter How many writers and philosophers spoke of a "dullness" in our lives, the world is very bright. This is particularly noticeable in the summer...


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Why the meteorite lake in India drastically changed its color?

Why the meteorite lake in India drastically changed its color?

Indian Lonar lake changed its color over night. About 5,000 years ago on the territory of modern India, a meteorite fell and left behind a fairly wide and deep recess. Later on this place formed a perfectly round lake, which was l...


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Why butterfly wings don't break under the heavy drops of rain?

Why butterfly wings don't break under the heavy drops of rain?

Perhaps it is the most beautiful butterfly in the world — Peleita Morpho (Morpho peleides) Almost all people hate annoying flies, cockroaches and other nasty insects. But butterflies with different colored and patterned wings like...


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They're back: the look of the lizard, which only saw once in all of history?

They're back: the look of the lizard, which only saw once in all of history?

Let me introduce the lizard Modigliani (Harpesaurus modiglianii) In the late XIX century Italian Explorer Elio Modigliani (Elio Modigliani) went to the island of Sumatra. This huge piece of land considered part of Indonesia and is...


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On the Earth live creatures with transparent skin: why is it necessary?

On the Earth live creatures with transparent skin: why is it necessary?

In 2016, the American scientists have found that the planet is inhabited trillions of species of living creatures that inhabit land, water and air. They all look different: their bodies are covered with hair, scales, skin, and oth...


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As the patterns on the back of snakes help them to remain unnoticed?

As the patterns on the back of snakes help them to remain unnoticed?

On our planet is inhabited by a huge variety of creatures, and snakes — some of the most amazing wildlife. At the moment scientists know of more than 3,000 species of these creatures and each of them is fraught with many mysteries...


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As a sleep Pisces and why the city's lighting system can kill you?

As a sleep Pisces and why the city's lighting system can kill you?

now imagine how looks fish — have you ever noticed that their eyes are constantly bulging and they never blink? The fact is that due to the aquatic mode of life, their eyes never dry out and they don't need eyelids to moisten them...


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What were the cave bears and why did they die out?

What were the cave bears and why did they die out?

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, in the days of our ancestors Neanderthals in Eurasia inhabited by a cave bears. They were 30% larger than the present brown bear, and different from modern species by the shape of the forehead a...


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How and why snakes have venom?

How and why snakes have venom?

Why do snakes need poison? This seemingly simple question has long been a matter of dispute specialists who study the behavior of these reptiles. Differing among themselves in composition and produced effects snake venoms are not ...


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Why are there so many cats with white paws?

Why are there so many cats with white paws?

white paw — this is a unique feature of modern cats attracts views, even those of us who do not consider themselves a special pet lovers. Scientists note that this form of coloration is extremely rare in — the elusive ...


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On the Great Barrier Reef discovered the most unusual scat. What makes it so special?

On the Great Barrier Reef discovered the most unusual scat. What makes it so special?

On our planet exists , the existence of which some people do not even know. For example, in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans is inhabited by a huge creature known as the manta ray, or "giant sea devils". The body length of ...


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Like a huge whale could sneak up to large shoals of fish?

Like a huge whale could sneak up to large shoals of fish?

body Weight humpback whales can reach 30 000 kg In 2019, the researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa are awesome the hunting of humpback whales on a large shoal of small fish. As it turned out, to feed each other, the w...


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The mysterious death of several hundred birds in England, scientists put to confusion

The mysterious death of several hundred birds in England, scientists put to confusion

What is behind the mysterious deaths of birds? More than 200 birds were found dead on a road near North Wales. The bodies of the birds had multiple bruises of unknown origin. According to the man who discovered on the road a massi...


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Why the forests are formed

Why the forests are formed "ice hair"?

"Ice hair" can be found in the woods after cold night Walking through a deciduous forest the morning after a cold night we each have a small chance to see one of the most . To have fallen to the ground rotten branches of oak, mapl...


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At the bottom of the Pacific ocean found thousands of mysterious recesses

At the bottom of the Pacific ocean found thousands of mysterious recesses

the Coast big sur To reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, many countries are now trying to produce electricity by using wind and other renewable energy sources. For example, many companies today are building...


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Why the snowy mountains of New Zealand are painted red?

Why the snowy mountains of New Zealand are painted red?

the Mountains of New Zealand acquired a reddish tone. Expiring in 2019 , which this past summer in our Siberia and American California was raging terrible fires. The fire in these regions left behind miles of scorched earth, now a...


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Who is Tully monster and who owns the mysterious fossils?

Who is Tully monster and who owns the mysterious fossils?

This could be the mysterious monster have you Heard ever about the mysterious Tully ? For the first time speak about it in the 1950-ies, when the collector of the fossils named Francis Tully found the first remains in the petrifie...


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