face Recognition 24

Anonymity will not save: AI has learned to know the people, hiding the face

Anonymity will not save: AI has learned to know the people, hiding the face

Scientists continue to improve artificial intelligence and to teach him new tricks. For example, a team of researchers from India and have developed a neural network capable of permanently to deprive any of the anonymity of the pa...


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#news high tech | Issue 203

#news high tech | Issue 203

Every Monday in the new issue of «News high-tech» we summarize the previous week, talking about some of the most important events, the key discoveries and inventions. This time we will focus on the Chinese system of face...


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Disney the neural network determines the audience reaction to the films

Disney the neural network determines the audience reaction to the films

the film Industry represents not only art and business, but also inextricably linked with the science and technical progress. The audience, of course, for the most part does not want to go into technical details create your favori...


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Artificial intelligence Google learns to improve the quality of the images

Artificial intelligence Google learns to improve the quality of the images

Remember how in the movie "blade Runner" Rick Deckard, sipping brandy from a massive glass voice commands has increased and reduced the different zones of the image on the screen of your computer in search of evidence? The picture...


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