Virtual reality 156

Announced wireless VR headset with top performance and low price

Announced wireless VR headset with top performance and low price

Despite the fact that the market for VR devices is still quite young, it has managed to divide Oculus VR released the Oculus Rift and HTC and Sony with the helmets of the HTC Vive VR and PS, respectively. Of course, there are many...


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How virtual reality affects the taste of the food

How virtual reality affects the taste of the food

Virtual reality allows us to feel like we are in a completely different world. In advanced helmets sensations sometimes so real that you don't even pay attention to graphics and completely immersed in a fictional world on the othe...


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Designed a glove that lets you feel the shape of objects in virtual reality

Designed a glove that lets you feel the shape of objects in virtual reality

Thanks to the efforts of companies such as HTC, Sony and Oculus virtual reality is becoming more widespread. However, even super realistic VR world there's just one problem: the brain can and can be fooled by showing them a pretty...


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Virtual Singapore launched the most ambitious digital project in the history of

Virtual Singapore launched the most ambitious digital project in the history of

Singapore is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world, and in the future in this field his position, most likely, will be strengthened. In addition to testing the most recent developments like unmanned flying v...


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Submitted to the VR-helmet Oculus Quest: wirelessly and with six degrees of freedom

Submitted to the VR-helmet Oculus Quest: wirelessly and with six degrees of freedom

just Think: about 20 years ago, people admired pixel video games on television consoles. Over the next years computer games have improved in terms of graphics and gameplay, and as a result the industry has introduced a whole new l...


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Virtual reality system will replace the controls of combat fighters

Virtual reality system will replace the controls of combat fighters

the British company BAE Systems, engaged in technologies in the field of weapons, information security, and aerospace sector, is going to develop the cockpit of a fighter of new generation, where the usual controls are replaced wi...


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Walmart will provide training to new employees in a virtual reality

Walmart will provide training to new employees in a virtual reality

Large retailers vengeance aims to apply the latest technologies to improve the quality of customer service and improve the overall performance. Does not remain aside and the largest US offline retailer Walmart, who has decided to ...


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A new app from NASA will make selfi on the background of deep space

A new app from NASA will make selfi on the background of deep space

the Notorious program for photo editing free from Adobe allows you to do with your the anything. And in the hands of a professional environment will be indistinguishable from the present. It is one thing to enjoy the beauty after ...


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Centauro: robot-centaur for the salvation of men

Centauro: robot-centaur for the salvation of men

the creation of robots, scientists and engineers are often inspired by nature. But robots based on mythical creatures meet not so often. And a new creation Centauro, name and appearance takes us back to the creatures Greek mytholo...


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Virtual reality will help to overcome a fear of heights

Virtual reality will help to overcome a fear of heights

we All used to think that virtual reality — exceptionally interactive entertainment. However, there are already quite a few developments in which VR technology is used not for games. For example, according to the publication...


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EXp 8000 employees are working on a virtual island from a computer game

EXp 8000 employees are working on a virtual island from a computer game

the Company eXp Realty helps its clients to buy and sell real estate. At the same time, the company only has a tiny office in Bellingham. It is needed only for the reason that according to the requirements of the company must be r...


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Disney and MIT have created a VR-a jacket that captures the feeling

Disney and MIT have created a VR-a jacket that captures the feeling

With every passing day the popularity of virtual reality is growing. And the good news is the fact that the developers are not sitting idly by and develop technology. For example, Disney in collaboration with scientists from the M...


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How augmented reality can change the lives of sports fans

How augmented reality can change the lives of sports fans

Modern technology , but not all at once. For example, for sports fans, nothing much has changed, except that they can monitor the progress of sports events from their smartphone or via a notification on a smart watch. For this rea...


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Leap Motion has announced a new platform for augmented reality tracking of hand movements

Leap Motion has announced a new platform for augmented reality tracking of hand movements

the Company Leap Motion, which has been designing gestural interfaces, has announced an ambitious but still very crude plan to establish a platform of augmented reality in their system hand tracking. The system is called Project N...


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LeanGP — simulator for your living room

LeanGP — simulator for your living room

Now no problem to buy yourself a chair and a steering wheel for racing, if not to equip for a gaming computer around the cockpit and enjoy the game in the simulator. But fans of racing until recently, was deprived of simulators ar...


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Virtual reality will improve the medical skills of doctors

Virtual reality will improve the medical skills of doctors

Virtual reality, contrary to popular belief, — is not only a tool for entertainment and video games, but also a great way to gain new knowledge and skills. To follow the modern trends want teachers medical school Staffordshi...


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Google plans to introduce a new generation of displays for VR headsets

Google plans to introduce a new generation of displays for VR headsets

One of the major limitations of the current generation of VR headsets is quite low resolution embedded in their displays. This leads to the vagueness of the pictures and pronounced screen-door-effect, when the user through a magni...


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How to solve the problem of human perception of virtual reality?

How to solve the problem of human perception of virtual reality?

Virtual reality is not limited to the world of entertainment. It is taken on arms and in more practical fields, for example for assembling parts of a car engine or to allow people to "try out" new-fangled trends, being at home. An...


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Game overview Moss: VR-tale for the whole family

Game overview Moss: VR-tale for the whole family

Personally, I am endlessly pleased with the fact that video games for virtual reality with each passing day it becomes more and more. This increases not only , but also improving the quality of technical and artistic execution, wh...


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Cryptocurrency debit card uses AI to commit the best deals

Cryptocurrency debit card uses AI to commit the best deals

Opportunities to pay with bitcoin every day there are more — this is one of the evidence that the cryptocurrency is becoming more popular and begin to be taken seriously. However, such deals are still rare and relatively dif...


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