Two bitcoin 3615

CRYPTOMACH / Maximum exchange rate of Bitcoin in the future, the output of the crypts on the map, Ycash and the Board of Finance

CRYPTOMACH / Maximum exchange rate of Bitcoin in the future, the output of the crypts on the map, Ycash and the Board of Finance

the long-awaited summer. Niche cryptocurrency supported the event and gave unusually hot week. During the last seven days, we learned about the new line of graphics cards from AMD, the mining in TON and hard forks . In addition de...


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Co-owner Coinbase Pro ridiculed and called a stock exchange Scam

Co-owner Coinbase Pro ridiculed and called a stock exchange Scam

co-Owner and most popular forum about cryptocurrency Cobra called Coinbase Scam Pro trading platform American crypto currency exchange Coinbase. In his tweet he wrote «if you read Coinbase Pro back...


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The Ethereum is a cryptocurrency Scam. A new report Chainalysis

The Ethereum is a cryptocurrency Scam. A new report Chainalysis

When people learned how to create a new cryptocurrency and began to build their infrastructure like marketplaces, in the field began to appear and fraud. According to blockchain auditor Chainalysis for the past two years, fraud in...


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VEB and the Grozny mayor's office transferred the housing sector on the blockchain

VEB and the Grozny mayor's office transferred the housing sector on the blockchain

In February, the first Deputy Chairman of VTB Olga Dergunova positively the prospects of the blockchain. According to her, the technology will improve the speed of transactions and security standards. To move from words to action ...


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Hacker 1337. How to hack Etherscan not to cause any harm

Hacker 1337. How to hack Etherscan not to cause any harm

Monday on the website appeared a pop-up message with the numbers 1337. The visitors began to panic and spread rumors about hacking Explorer. really hacked, but the damage from a hacker attack was zero. About it writes...


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Rally Bitcoin — deception. Well-known economist advises to invest in gold

Rally Bitcoin — deception. Well-known economist advises to invest in gold

Director of Euro Pacific Asset Peter Schiff does not see anything supernatural in growth . Recall that the main cryptocurrency has already risen by 179 percent since the beginning of 2019 and is now trading at the level of $ 8540....


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May 2Miners: run pools Aeternity, the debut 2CryptoCalc and software upgrades

May 2Miners: run pools Aeternity, the debut 2CryptoCalc and software upgrades

the Last month of spring proved to work. The team started working on launching (AE), the addition of which the majority voted representatives of the community. Calculator profitability of mining Alexei Rubin moved to the domain an...


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Bitcoin growth slows down. The analyst recommends closing a trading position

Bitcoin growth slows down. The analyst recommends closing a trading position

May was an excellent month for over the past 30 days, the coin has grown by at least $ 2,500 for the first time in a long time breaking the resistance area of $ 6,000. However, by early June, the bullish rally cryptocurrencies sta...


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The difficulty of Bitcoin mining has reached a historic high. The

The difficulty of Bitcoin mining has reached a historic high. The "spiral of death" is canceled

rising above $ 8,000 a very positive impact on the mining of cryptocurrencies. Profits went up and the business began to expand after the next recalculation of the difficulty of mining Bitcoin has reached a historic high. mining...


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Binance DEX followed in the footsteps of Binance. Critics aktiviziruyutsya

Binance DEX followed in the footsteps of Binance. Critics aktiviziruyutsya

on the one hand, cryptocurrencies overcome a bear market and show growth on all fronts. On the other hand the crypto currency exchange once again forced to fight for competitiveness with the current improvement of the situation. T...


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On the chart Ethereum is formed of a rare bullish pattern

On the chart Ethereum is formed of a rare bullish pattern

Despite strong pressure from the bears after the recent drain , still managed to recover and approach the line 270 dollars. According to several analysts from Twitter, the cryptocurrency might soon form a bullish pattern on chart,...


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What is the main difference of the current bullrun from the previous one?

What is the main difference of the current bullrun from the previous one?

Now the price is once again experiencing a rapid ascent. Over the past two months the asset has risen at least twice, and only in may the price went up $ 2000. In December 2017 the coin drew similar graphs before finally jumping t...


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To maintain the exchange — the most difficult task in the world. The statement of the former employee Bitfinex

To maintain the exchange — the most difficult task in the world. The statement of the former employee Bitfinex

2019 was generous for the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Several successive jumps with relatively small corrections significantly increased the market capitalization of all the coins. However, the community is kept accepts the negativi...


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Bitcoin will fall to $ 1,100 before the next leap. Forecast analyst

Bitcoin will fall to $ 1,100 before the next leap. Forecast analyst

on 1 April of the current year the main cryptocurrency rose more than 100 percent. Altcoins are not far behind and rapidly growing capitalization of the stock market hints at another bullrun. In General, the cryptocurrency has gon...


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The largest financial media grudgingly acknowledge the rise of Bitcoin. But are negative

The largest financial media grudgingly acknowledge the rise of Bitcoin. But are negative

During the boom times ICO main media does not have time to write about another million dollars, which has attracted a particular project. As soon as the stock market began to decline, the media undertook to demonize an entire indu...


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The collapse of bears: the rapid growth of Bitcoin has led to a new wave of liquidation of short positions

The collapse of bears: the rapid growth of Bitcoin has led to a new wave of liquidation of short positions

on the Eve of the cryptocurrency has set a new record price this year. almost got to level 9000 dollars, breaking the important area of 8500 dollars. The bears once again came under attack — most of the short positions in the trad...


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GlobalCoin from Facebook will destroy all that is good in cryptocurrency

GlobalCoin from Facebook will destroy all that is good in cryptocurrency

In Facebook , working on its own digital currency GlobalCoin. Without a doubt, the cryptocurrency's largest social Corporation with a couple of billions active users, will become widespread and popular. Money can be sent as easily...


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"The dollar will destroy itself". Former Congressman Ron Paul on Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and the prohibition of new crisis

Before becoming a representative of the Austrian school of Economics, Ron Paul served on-Board surgeon in the U.S. air force. In the seventies he came under the influence of the work , and then decided to run for Congress. Ron got...


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ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, EOS: an analysis of the charts of the most popular cryptocurrency on may 28

ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, EOS: an analysis of the charts of the most popular cryptocurrency on may 28

a New historical high has affected the entire stock market — the total capitalization of the latter recently reached 278 billion. The index of dominance of the main cryptocurrency is still growing, which suggests low investor inte...


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Bitcoin-the bulls will fail because of FOMO, the correction is imminent. The opinion of an experienced trader

Bitcoin-the bulls will fail because of FOMO, the correction is imminent. The opinion of an experienced trader

a Veteran in trading, Peter Brandt do not count myself among those who can confuse the Bitcoin bulls. Last jump to 8700 dollars trader called «early phase FOMO». In his opinion, all bulls will sooner or later surrender, ...


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