Solar energy 65

How they work solar panels

How they work solar panels

Solar panels make electricity almost free. the Sun is and always will be! Perhaps this is too bold a statement but it's true. At least from the point of view of humanity. And it will explode after how many millions of years, but b...


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What is the temperature in space?

What is the temperature in space?

In outer space will not help either shorts or coat — boring special costume All of us from childhood knows that in African countries usually dominates the hot weather, but Antarctica is always cold. But have you ever thought ever ...


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Analog solar panels, or how to get energy from the shadows

Analog solar panels, or how to get energy from the shadows

Solar energy is used quite a bit, but in vain. While the coronavirus still wanders the planet, the people sitting on houses, and some companies are thinking about how to bring work «udalenku» forever. But if everyone wil...


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Can solar panels to generate energy at night?

Can solar panels to generate energy at night?

the new generation will be able to generate electricity at night Solar energy — one of the most promising sources of energy is already quite near future, which will require large quantities of renewable electricity. Faster ...


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While we celebrated the New Year in the Solar system broke new comet

While we celebrated the New Year in the Solar system broke new comet

Comet C/2019 Q4 When August 30, 2019 the astronomer of the Crimean astrophysical Observatory Gennady Borisov noticed an unusual interstellar object in our Solar system, the scientific world got the opportunity to expand their know...


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Tesla is production-ready available in roof of solar panels

Tesla is production-ready available in roof of solar panels

from the Roof of the Tesla looks like a normal roof, but at the same time produces electricity Tesla has launched the third version of its "solar tiles" for use in residential buildings. The Tesla CEO told a lot of interesting det...


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Solar panels Tesla can be rented for $ 50 per month. But not so smooth

Solar panels Tesla can be rented for $ 50 per month. But not so smooth

the company famous Elon musk, "drown" early power, probably stronger than all the others. The fact that a couple years ago, Tesla tried to start the service rental of solar panels to power homes. Then for a number of reasons (pri...


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Why first railway in the world of solar panels is a total failure?

Why first railway in the world of solar panels is a total failure?

According to scientists, about 0.5% of the total surface of our planet is covered with roads. This fairly large area is used only for movement of cars, but why people do not use it for other purposes? For example, roads can be cov...


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Found a way to improve the efficiency of solar panels by 80%

Found a way to improve the efficiency of solar panels by 80%

Today, finding increasing use in everyday life. However, this battery has one major disadvantage. You can say Achilles heel. It is warm. The fact that the more hot you become konechnye panel, the more decreases their efficiency du...


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Tesla has presented a very powerful modular batteries for storing solar energy

Tesla has presented a very powerful modular batteries for storing solar energy

with the development of production of so-called "green energy" (solar and wind), the market is starting to need new solutions that can store this energy in large volumes. About two years ago, we wrote about how Tesla is actually o...


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Scientists: by 2030 humanity will face little ice age

Scientists: by 2030 humanity will face little ice age

On the Ground, there may come a miniature ice age, scientists warn. A new study has shown that in the period between 2020 and 2030 the solar cycle can neutralize each other, leading to the phenomenon known as the Maunder Minimum. ...


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Above Ground opened a huge solar sail LightSail 2

Above Ground opened a huge solar sail LightSail 2

Right now orbiting the Earth works a thousand artificial satellites each of which travels through expensive ion engines with a lifespan of not more than three years. If these engines are so expensive and short-lived, why haven't s...


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Can solar power plant to produce electricity at night?

Can solar power plant to produce electricity at night?

power Plant operating on the basis of , are probably one of the most promising industries involved in the development of clean energy. However, they have one very significant drawback: in cloudy weather or at night, they are "idle...


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Solar sail LightSail 2 can fly right over you. How to see it?

Solar sail LightSail 2 can fly right over you. How to see it?

Founded in 1980, the Planetary society believes that near-earth satellites can dispense with expensive fuel, and to move through the solar particles, pushing a huge sail. To prove this, researchers recently sent into orbit, the Li...


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To heat the house with solar light, but the electricity here at anything

To heat the house with solar light, but the electricity here at anything

Today, the country house can be heated not only through coal and gas furnaces but also by solar energy. And we are not talking about the solar panels that generate electricity to power the heaters, and about the so-called solar co...


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China began developing the first space solar power station

China began developing the first space solar power station

China wants to go to a whole new level of production of renewable energy. Chinese scientists plan to build in earth orbit the first ever space solar power. Its going to be placed at a height of 36 000 kilometers above the Earth, w...


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The oldest Nobel laureate has created a source of cheap electricity

The oldest Nobel laureate has created a source of cheap electricity

In 2018, the Nobel prize in physics was 96-year-old Arthur Ashkin. He was awarded for the invention of optical tweezers, allowing you to hold microscopic objects by size using a laser light. As it turned out, it's not only his ide...


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In the African desert included the song that will

In the African desert included the song that will "play forever"

One of the main problems of modern gadgets — they need to be recharged. In some cases this must be done every day (e.g., smartphones), sometimes you can afford to take a break, if we are talking about tablets, wireless speak...


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Found a way to create cheap and efficient solar batteries of new type

Found a way to create cheap and efficient solar batteries of new type

Solar batteries, despite their appeal, are still not widespread for a number of reasons. Especially if we are not talking about conventional batteries, and perovskite solar cells. This is quite promising but expensive technology, ...


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New solar panels are not just collects energy and sends the surplus back into space

New solar panels are not just collects energy and sends the surplus back into space

Solar panels are used almost everywhere: from home appliances to space stations. However, this technology has room to grow. According to the publication ScienceAlert, a group of researchers from the USA and China have jointly deve...


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