Sleep 49

Why do some people remember dreams and others don't?

Why do some people remember dreams and others don't?

In a dream you can immerse yourself in the strange, surreal world Dreams transport us into a surreal world where not ruled by logic and reason. But does everyone do it the night journey in Dreamland? Most people remember about one...


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Why you should not sleep more than 8 hours?

Why you should not sleep more than 8 hours?

If you sleep more than 9 hours, the health of your heart may be under threat Our regular readers know about the dangers of sleep deprivation and . In the end, sleep is very important for a normal life and to neglect it completely ...


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Why older people sleep less?

Why older people sleep less?

To the characteristics of sleep in older age need to be treated attentively. have You ever noticed that older people sleep less than young? In fact, it is a known fact, however, the causes of this phenomenon remain insufficiently ...


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Frequent lack of sleep can lead to stroke

Frequent lack of sleep can lead to stroke

lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems. According to global statistics, the number of road accidents that occur due to the fact that the driver fell asleep at the wheel, is many times greater than those of accidents tha...


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What is sleep paralysis?

What is sleep paralysis?

During sleep paralysis, the person can seem that he was kidnapped by aliens did you ever see a dream that occurs like in reality — you are lying on the bed unable to move, and all around something terrible happens to you in ...


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How to get a man to sleep longer than usual?

How to get a man to sleep longer than usual?

For a good rest a person needs at least 8 hours of sleep it is well Known that for fully replenishing an adult needs to sleep about 8 hours a day. The same recommendation applies to adolescents, but because of the abundance of hom...


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Sleep helps the brain forget unwanted memories

Sleep helps the brain forget unwanted memories

the work of the brain during sleep may help scientists to understand how we forget information. Sleep is incredibly important for health, both physical and mental. Experts who study sleep agree that sleep cannot be neglected, as i...


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How NAPs affect heart health?

How NAPs affect heart health?

For his life, he sleeps from 15 to 30 years How do you feel about ? According to the results of a new study, a positive effect on heart health. Note that we are talking about a short sleep. Our regular readers know about the benef...


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Why do we snore in your sleep?

Why do we snore in your sleep?

studies show that a marriage between two snoring is much stronger than in a couple where only one is snoring partner About 5 years ago, a famous British newspaper Daily Mail published an article about a 60-year-old woman whose sno...


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What if all the time to sleep?

What if all the time to sleep?

And what starts your morning? Let's imagine where all good sleep. Every day. Do you think it will be much different from ours? Scientists have no doubt that Yes. Lack of sleep is the cause of development of many , for example, obe...


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Why some people need only 4 hours of sleep to sleep?

Why some people need only 4 hours of sleep to sleep?

According to a new study, some people need only 4 hours to fully sleep it is believed that all the people on the basis of how late they go to bed. Among these "birds" highlights people who do not fall under any of the definitions....


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Why some birds are ready to sacrifice their lives for the dream?

Why some birds are ready to sacrifice their lives for the dream?

Perhaps each of us at least once in my life had such a condition in which we would be willing to give everything I have, if only to be in a warm and cozy bed after a hard day. As reported in the journal Current Biology, not only h...


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How poor sleep leads to heart disease and death?

How poor sleep leads to heart disease and death?

According to the world health organization, the reason for 31% of all deaths in the world are cardiovascular diseases. They develop in the wrong diet, Smoking, lack of exercise and irregular sleep mode. If scientists already know ...


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Mattress with liquid-cooled capable to satisfy any

Mattress with liquid-cooled capable to satisfy any

High technology reached the bedrooms. For example, Ford for several years shows a baby bed that emits the soothing sounds of the car, and adults that address the many couples. Recently it became about another new product that many...


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Is it possible to learn in your sleep? It is possible

Is it possible to learn in your sleep? It is possible

From chronic insomnia help audio books, podcasts, and sleeping pills. If you load books on all night, they will gradually penetrate into dreams. And the funny thing is, sometimes you can even remember what he heard in the morning....


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Experiment: how loneliness affects the body and the mind of man?

Experiment: how loneliness affects the body and the mind of man?

what do you think will survive if you stay in an isolated room with no light for a whole month? Professional poker player rich Alati put $ 100 000 on that all it to him — he readily agreed to stay 30 days in a dark room where ther...


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In the brain found the area responsible for the

In the brain found the area responsible for the "sleep mode"

two decades ago, a group of researchers from the medical center Beth Israel Deaconess in Boston and is a teaching hospital for Harvard medical school, found in the brain the nerve cells, which, according to scientists, моглb to be...


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Helps stop snoring sleeping on your side?

Helps stop snoring sleeping on your side?

Almost half of all adults snore — if not you, I would have. Loud and constant snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorders that require medical intervention. They say that you can get rid of snoring, if you s...


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Don't be like Elon Musk. His habits could kill you

Don't be like Elon Musk. His habits could kill you

In a recent interview with the New York Times, the head of Tesla Elon Musk said that the last time he worked 120 hours a week and such a schedule could not affect his health. "This is not good. To me, that really worried about my ...


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Sleep in a room where light penetrates, can lead to depression

Sleep in a room where light penetrates, can lead to depression

we All sleep in different conditions. Someone prefers to sleep with a night light, getting used to this lighting since childhood, some people prefer total darkness in the room and someone can sleep with the lights on. As it turned...


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