Rumors 41

Rumor: KAMAZ creates a flying taxi

Rumor: KAMAZ creates a flying taxi

In recent years, more and more car manufacturers are developing in the area of creating flying cars. And after such giants as Uber and Airbus with its VTOL Alpha One domestic automaker "KAMAZ" is working on creating a flying car, ...


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Cheap new iPad — what are the similarities with the iPad Pro?

Cheap new iPad — what are the similarities with the iPad Pro?

it is possible that the new tablet from Apple will be to combine two attractive features. First of all, the novelty will be inexpensive, but that this new message will not prevent it to characterize an important feature peculiar t...


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Apple will hold a presentation on March 27

Apple will hold a presentation on March 27

March 27, 2018 will be a presentation of Apple. Connoisseurs of high technology always look forward to the ongoing technogiant from Cupertino events, during which the company not only shows innovation but also gives an idea about ...


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Rumor: PlayStation 5 is already in development. The creators of the game get the first dev kit s

Rumor: PlayStation 5 is already in development. The creators of the game get the first dev kit s

In fact, talk about the fact that Sony is developing a new generation of consoles, being on various gaming forums are already like a whole year. The truth is it is not clear how justified these rumors. Is the life cycle of a conso...


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The rumor In the Porsche started work on the flying passenger drone

The rumor In the Porsche started work on the flying passenger drone

German car Automobliwoche edition, citing its own sources, the car company Porsche began the development of passenger aircraft of the drone and soon will show the first sketches of the design and will talk about the concept of the...


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Rumor: Microsoft is considering the acquisition of EA, Valve and PUBG Corp

Rumor: Microsoft is considering the acquisition of EA, Valve and PUBG Corp

an Unexpected information shared with the public reputable gaming portal Polygon. A reliable source close to Microsoft told reporters that the top leadership of the Redmond Corporation is seriously considering the possibility of a...


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Sony will follow the example of Google?

Sony will follow the example of Google?

As a new message, the new flagship Sony Xperia might be something like this device from the search giant Google and several other companies. For novelty is the characteristic feature of the design, typical of many modern smartphon...


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Ecosystem the new phone from Microsoft

Ecosystem the new phone from Microsoft "proved" himself?

As you know, Microsoft has completed development of the Windows Phone project. But this does not mean that in the future, if not impossible, to hope for the advent of the smartphone from the software giant. Moreover, the network a...


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A NASA spokesman: we are not discussing the purchase of additional flights on Soyuz

A NASA spokesman: we are not discussing the purchase of additional flights on Soyuz

the U.S. space Agency kirk schirman reported that NASA does not plan to buy from «Roskosmos» space ships «Union» moon — Space News. At the conference on the future launch to the ISS ship Dragon company S...


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The CEO and founder of Xiaomi can be associated with the Chinese giant mining

The CEO and founder of Xiaomi can be associated with the Chinese giant mining

the Head Xiaomi lei Jun — a very rich man and a respected businessman. In 2014 he was awarded the title of businessman of the year in Forbes, and a year later there took place 87 Forbes as the owner of a personal fortune of ...


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It seems that next year Microsoft will release a bendable tablet with phone functions

It seems that next year Microsoft will release a bendable tablet with phone functions

next year, Microsoft will release a totally new type of — according to Windows Central, citing its own unnamed sources. The article provides a couple of sketches, which show the bend in half a tablet. In the expanded view, t...


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Putin ordered the release of cryptool

Putin ordered the release of cryptool

Minister of communications and mass communications Nikolay Nikiforov said at a closed meeting with members of the capital club in Moscow that Russia will have its own cryptocurrency. He noted that it has the text of the resolution...


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The famous computer company goes to Android?

The famous computer company goes to Android?

According to the new message, one of the leading computer companies in the world considering switching my intended primarily for enterprise Android devices. However, this will not mean a complete rejection of Windows technologies....


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The tablet, which Microsoft has not provided

The tablet, which Microsoft has not provided

Many available on the market for digital devices is great. Those devices which saw the light of day. But a lot of interesting devices debuted, despite a lot of its attractive qualities. Image one of these devices from software gia...


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Facebook launch messenger for kids

Facebook launch messenger for kids

security Issues in world wide web relate not only to protect against viruses and other malware, but also address the issues of protection of children from inappropriate content. And if conventional hosting sites or business more o...


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SpaceX will send into orbit a spy satellite, U.S. military intelligence

SpaceX will send into orbit a spy satellite, U.S. military intelligence

the Official SpaceX account on Twitter confirmed that the preparation of the next launch of the carrier rocket Falcon 9 is in full swing. The launch will take place on April 30th, this Sunday, but no one knows the exact time. The ...


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Sergey Brin of Google is building the airship

Sergey Brin of Google is building the airship

While Larry page, one of the co-founders of Google, over hoverbike and flying cars, the second — Sergey Brin — is also not sitting idle and is rumored to be quietly engaged in the construction of the airship — Bl...


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Apple secretly developing a sensor for non-invasive monitoring of blood sugar levels

Apple secretly developing a sensor for non-invasive monitoring of blood sugar levels

All the major companies that keep their developments a closely guarded secret, so the first to bring to market products that have no analogues. But numerous «network detectives» and then give us interesting food for thou...


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Rumors: the US is experiencing a EM Drive on Board secret X-37B

Rumors: the US is experiencing a EM Drive on Board secret X-37B

In the past year, perhaps only certainly not interested in the technology people have not heard about the "impossible" electromagnetic Drive motor EM – fuel-free alternative to currently used chemical rocket engines, which alleged...


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Film Company Warner Bros. can return to the Matrix

Film Company Warner Bros. can return to the Matrix

Warner Bros. considering the possibility of restarting the cult sci-Fi trilogy "the Matrix". However, according to the publication The Hollywood Reporter, the final decision on this matter is still pending. The company is under ne...


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