Plants 97

Solved the secret of the Millennium Ginkgo tree

Solved the secret of the Millennium Ginkgo tree

Ginkgo Trees listed in the Red book and are under threat of extinction in the wild. the Ginkgo Tree is often called a living fossil. This unique plant is unique in the world of flora, and the lifespan is more than 1,000 years. Gin...


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Why are the forests so important to our planet?

Why are the forests so important to our planet?

by Destroying forests we are bringing disaster Deforestation is one of the most serious threats facing humanity. According to the study, published in the journal forests absorb carbon and prevent climate change, help prevent soil ...


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In Indonesia found the largest flower in the world and he smells like corpses

In Indonesia found the largest flower in the world and he smells like corpses

Giant plant rafflesia (Rafflesia tuan-mudae) In one of our previous articles we found out that one of the oldest flowers in history . Not only that, they grew up in the time of dinosaurs, and was so hardy that he survived the fata...


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What essential oils accelerate the healing of wounds?

What essential oils accelerate the healing of wounds?

Essential oils can work faster to heal the wounds every day during the work of thousands of people around the world get different types of wounds the healing of which takes a lot of time. To accelerate this process, scientists fro...


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In the United States discovered the remains of the very first trees on Earth

In the United States discovered the remains of the very first trees on Earth

some look so ancient trees archaeopteris At the moment nobody can tell us exactly what awaits humanity in the future. However, thanks to the work of archaeologists and paleontologists, today we can state with fairly high confidenc...


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#video | Discovered a new way to communicate with chimpanzees relatives

#video | Discovered a new way to communicate with chimpanzees relatives

Monkey chimpanzee love to communicate with each other. In 2014, Scottish scientists that monkeys chimpanzees communicate with each other by using sign language. In total, the researchers were able to decipher the meaning of at lea...


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From-for what hundreds of years ago in Europe there was a mass starvation of people?

From-for what hundreds of years ago in Europe there was a mass starvation of people?

Picture of the Great famine in the years 1315-1317 In the history of mankind there are many difficult for people of times and one of them is the so-called period of the Great famine. From 1315 to 1317 years in Northern Europe due ...


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Why the forests are formed

Why the forests are formed "ice hair"?

"Ice hair" can be found in the woods after cold night Walking through a deciduous forest the morning after a cold night we each have a small chance to see one of the most . To have fallen to the ground rotten branches of oak, mapl...


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For that, scientists sent the marijuana to the ISS?

For that, scientists sent the marijuana to the ISS?

In March 2020 the ISS will take the first batch of cannabis for scientific experiments. Known in the West, a N Agricultural Technology company recently announced that it intends to send the marijuana to the International space sta...


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As climate changes affect the productivity of rice, wheat and corn?

As climate changes affect the productivity of rice, wheat and corn?

In the future, mankind may be left without rice In 2018 the pages of the scientific journal Nature Plants Monday published the results of a study with a disappointing forecast. By examining the impact of a gradual increase in temp...


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By placing the seeds in these capsules, you can grow plants in a barren land

By placing the seeds in these capsules, you can grow plants in a barren land

the US has created a capsule to protect the seeds of plants. On our planet fairly a lot of areas which can be better to grow crops. However, in India and many other countries of the world there is barren land that is full of harmf...


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Africa could lose their tropical forests

Africa could lose their tropical forests

the Tropical forest in Africa In June 2019 staff located in London, Kew gardens, shared scary news. During the study information about on the verge of extinction of animals and plants, they found that human activity has led to irr...


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Trees emit greenhouse gases can accelerate global warming

Trees emit greenhouse gases can accelerate global warming

According to science, our planet, there are about 60,000 species of trees. According to the Australian analytical center Breakthrough, global warming may destroy humanity . Some conservationists firmly believe that slow the rate o...


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Plants in the house clean the air

Plants in the house clean the air

Alas, to clear the air in the apartment, enough to make plants sills it is Known that a walk in the Park or in the woods not only enhance mood, but also give us the opportunity to breathe fresh, purified air. In the process of pho...


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When it rains, the plants are in a state similar to a panic

When it rains, the plants are in a state similar to a panic

it Turns out, I do not like is a long time in the rain Like us, plants need water to survive. But this does not mean that the green leaves of trees, shrubs or flowers are enjoying the rain more than people. When the sky appears gr...


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Is it true that marijuana helps with mental disorders?

Is it true that marijuana helps with mental disorders?

Marijuana (cannabis) is the most popular drug and is in fourth place after alcohol, tobacco and coffee in the ranking of the substances causing mild poisoning Many of us have heard about the beneficial properties of marijuana, whi...


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How dangerous is the operation for breast enlargement?

How dangerous is the operation for breast enlargement?

After breast surgery in women can occur lymphoma According to statistics, every year in the United States is done about 400,000 surgical procedures for breast augmentation. Most breast implants are just for cosmetic purposes, howe...


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Why are we still not building skyscrapers out of wood?

Why are we still not building skyscrapers out of wood?

there are very few wooden skyscrapers For many centuries wood was the main material for building houses and . However, in the twentieth century builders began to realize that she does not possess the necessary strength and she has...


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Is it possible to grow plants in lunar and Martian soil?

Is it possible to grow plants in lunar and Martian soil?

to Grow on Mars — really. the Mankind have long been dreaming of colonization of other planets. But let's imagine that a hypothetical mission to Mars took place. The first settlers successfully landed on the surface of the r...


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Developed ocular implant to prevent glaucoma

Developed ocular implant to prevent glaucoma

Glaucoma — very dangerous disease. Our eyes — very important and at the same time very «the fragile» bodies. However, in addition to damaging factors external and internal that can «quietly» to caus...


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