Paleontology 88

Which animal has the fingers grew earlier than the rest?

Which animal has the fingers grew earlier than the rest?

everyone living on our planet have one thing in common — the presence of fingers on the hands and feet. But these parts of the body necessary for grasping objects and hold the balance, has emerged in animals gradually, in the cour...


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From whom came the modern chicken and duck?

From whom came the modern chicken and duck?

each modern animal is a distant ancestor, who lived millions of years ago. For example, amphibians are creatures like frogs came from the so-called elpistostege, who first learned to use them. But the ancestor of modern chickens a...


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In some countries, it is necessary to look for dinosaur bones and can make money on it?

In some countries, it is necessary to look for dinosaur bones and can make money on it?

Millions of years ago, in the time of dinosaurs, our planet looked completely different. The continents were located closer to each other, and then, over time, started to drift apart. However, their fossilized remains stored under...


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Length of the smallest dinosaur was only 5 centimeters

Length of the smallest dinosaur was only 5 centimeters

Millions of years ago, our planet was inhabited by dinosaurs, including small, almost defenseless creatures. Recently, an international group of scientists that deals with the study of ancient animals, found the skull of a tiny di...


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How long were the days in the time of dinosaurs?

How long were the days in the time of dinosaurs?

All of us in early childhood know that in day 24 hours. But did you know it was not always so and once upon a time dinosaurs were significantly less awake than us? This is because millions of years ago the Moon were much closer to...


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Discovered a cockroach, who lived in the era of the dinosaurs

Discovered a cockroach, who lived in the era of the dinosaurs

Cockroaches — some of the oldest ancient living organisms on the planet, the first hints of the appearance which appeared 300 million years ago. In those ancient times insects lived in caves, gradually adjusting to the dark ...


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Found a live dinosaur DNA. Is it possible?

Found a live dinosaur DNA. Is it possible?

the Idea to clone a dinosaur from preserved DNA for particles is not new: one of the most famous examples of this can serve as the famous “Jurassic Park” by Steven Spielberg. The main obstacle to the enforcement of a cult film in ...


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Found the remains of the first animal lost body parts in the course of evolution

Found the remains of the first animal lost body parts in the course of evolution

the Distant ancestors of today's animals possessed amazing features. For example, the ancient snake different from today's reptiles that they could use them to walk. However, the world is constantly changing and many animals event...


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In Argentina found the remains of the ancestors of the armadillos the size of a car

In Argentina found the remains of the ancestors of the armadillos the size of a car

Today, walking across the wild expanses of Central and South America, you can find very unusual animals, armadillos. Their bodies are almost completely covered with armor, and can weigh up to 60 pounds. But thousands of years ago ...


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Fossils from one of the oldest weeds, the age of more than one billion years

Fossils from one of the oldest weeds, the age of more than one billion years

the Days when scientists used weak by today's standards the computers are long gone. Today at the disposal of researchers there are powerful computers, microscopes and other modern equipment, so there is nothing surprising in the ...


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Polopark polycarpon age of 100 million years, found in amber

Polopark polycarpon age of 100 million years, found in amber

fossils of ancient insects regularly find in amber. The inclusions allow scientists to study the past of our planet and how, over time, evolved a variety of species. So, during the excavation of amber in Myanmar (Southeast Asia) w...


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Found the remains of a huge dinosaur that could eat anyone

Found the remains of a huge dinosaur that could eat anyone

the Remains of most of the dinosaurs that were able to break apart even the largest of animals, usually found in the USA. However, fossils of ancient predators also full in Canada. For example, over the last 50 years there were fo...


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Scientists "resurrect" the mammoth genes

the Growth of dwarf mammoths rose from 3 to 4 meters, which is commensurate with the modern Asian elephant. Approximately 11 000 years on the planet went extinct last of the woolly mammoth. Of the many thousands of species were on...


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Found the tooth of a dinosaur, stuck in the body of the squid. Why is this a unique discovery?

Found the tooth of a dinosaur, stuck in the body of the squid. Why is this a unique discovery?

Some squid were the pterosaurs, literally the teeth Paleontology, in which scientists study lived millions of years ago dinosaurs is a very interesting science. For example, recently researchers have studied the giant creatures le...


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Four-legged dinosaurs could walk on two legs, but only in certain conditions

Four-legged dinosaurs could walk on two legs, but only in certain conditions

the Large size of sauropods is perfectly protected them from predators more recently, paleontologists found that the most dangerous dinosaurs in the story were not tyrannosaurs Rex, and . However, the fact that the record for the ...


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Discovered the smallest dinosaur on the planet

Discovered the smallest dinosaur on the planet

Hummingbird — the smallest dinosaur that survived on the planet so far the word “dinosaur”, we often imagine huge formidable predator with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Anyway, according to an article published on the p...


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Opened a new dinosaur that was more dangerous than Tyrannosaurus Rex

Opened a new dinosaur that was more dangerous than Tyrannosaurus Rex

it looks like the Allosaurus Jimmadseni in the representation of the artist did you Know that the creators of the film largely ? For example, as the most dangerous dinosaur they put a Tyrannosaurus Rex, although he did not live in...


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Paleontologists have found fossils of ancient arachnid creatures

Paleontologists have found fossils of ancient arachnid creatures

Scientists found an ancestor of modern Scorpions every year Paleontologists find under the ground thousands of remains of ancient animals. As ancient bones are very many, scientists simply do not have time for careful study and fo...


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Whether there was in fact a dwarf Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Whether there was in fact a dwarf Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Dwarf Tyrannosaurus Rex was a teenager. Nearly 80 years ago researchers started talking seriously about the existence of the dwarf . The occasion was the discovery of fossils in 1942, who could belong as a separate mind, and young...


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Why the ancient apes did not know how to walk on two legs and lived on trees?

Why the ancient apes did not know how to walk on two legs and lived on trees?

some look so ancient monkeys in the representation of the artist In one of our previous articles we talked about how modern apes have learned . This is a very interesting topic to study, because millions of years ago our ancestors...


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