Movies 49

#video | How to create special effects for the film

#video | How to create special effects for the film "the Shape of water»

If you have already managed to find new work remarkable Director Guillermo Del Toro called the Shape of Water ("water" — eng.), you will certainly be interested in a video about how the masters from the Studio of Mr. X creat...


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In the near future, moviegoers will be an integral part of what is happening on the VR screen

In the near future, moviegoers will be an integral part of what is happening on the VR screen

Virtual reality today is quite young technology, despite the fact that the first attempts to create something similar was made decades ago. Today we can experience for yourself the numerous VR-rides, to play a great VR games and e...


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#video | How to create special effects for the movie

#video | How to create special effects for the movie "pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales"

Continue to share with you an amazing video lifts the veil of secrecy over the process of creating special effects for famous Hollywood blockbusters. Here's the video showing the workflow of the specialists from the Studio Moving ...


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#video | How to create special effects for the film

#video | How to create special effects for the film "blade Runner 2049"

we Continue to publish on our website a video showing how far removed technologies in the field of entertainment industry. When to turn on the screens something impressive, had to build complex sets, to develop amazing mechanisms ...


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On the ISS the premiere of the new film of the Saga

On the ISS the premiere of the new film of the Saga "Star wars"

the Inhabitants of planet Earth were able to watch a movie 9 Dec (premiere in Russia took place on 14 December). But the residents of the International space station the new movies are not available so quickly. Think you know what...


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#video | Posted the official trailer for

#video | Posted the official trailer for "First player to get ready"

a sci-Fi novel "the First player to get ready" (Ready Player One) American writer Ernest Klein was published in 2011 and instantly gained a huge success among readers. In 2012 he was awarded the prestigious literary awards Alex Aw...


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Game overview Hidden Agenda

Game overview Hidden Agenda

Technology PlayLink, is presented this year by Sony, allows you to play video games from six users, using as controllers for your smartphones or tablets connected to the PlayStation 4. We already told you about such social games f...


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Disney doing another Star Wars trilogy

Disney doing another Star Wars trilogy

After the franchise "Star wars" fell into the hands of the company , new movies with favorite characters fans have come out with surprising regularity. Complements the picture release spin-offs, in which fans of the space Saga tel...


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How does Thor's hammer? Spoiler: as cashback

How does Thor's hammer? Spoiler: as cashback

In popular comics, in both print and film, the leitmotif is the idea that only the worthy can possess Mielnica. Of course, the roots of this legend go to ancient times, in the Scandinavian myths. But we do have the film "Thor: Rag...


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First product for virtual reality was awarded the

First product for virtual reality was awarded the "Oscar"

Virtual reality is not only video games, but also a very promising direction in art. There are various VR applications that allow you to visit famous museums, exhibitions, the first person to see a reconstruction of the events at ...


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#video | a New video from the shooting of the film

#video | a New video from the shooting of the film "Star wars: the Last Jedi"

Continue to share with you news about the film directed by Rian Johnson . Despite the fact that in the Russian hire the subtitle of the eighth episode of the legendary Saga, it was decided to translate as "the Last Jedi" (the word...


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#video | Posted a new trailer for

#video | Posted a new trailer for "Star wars: the Last Jedi"

On the official YouTube channel of the franchise of Star Wars was published today of the film "Star wars: the Last Jedi", the output of which is scheduled in Russia on 14 December. And all anything, but the trailer turned out to b...


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James Cameron officially started filming

James Cameron officially started filming "Avatar 2"

We love the news about the canadian Director James Cameron. After all, this man just took his time beloved by all of us films "Aliens", "Abyss" and "Titanic", but also actively developing the film, introducing into it his own inve...


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Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger will return in the sequel

Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger will return in the sequel "Terminator 2: judgment day"

After several very unsuccessful attempts to continue or restart the once popular franchise "Terminator", there are very few people who would believe in the success of this venture. Alternated Directors, writers, producers, but non...


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Disney the neural network determines the audience reaction to the films

Disney the neural network determines the audience reaction to the films

the film Industry represents not only art and business, but also inextricably linked with the science and technical progress. The audience, of course, for the most part does not want to go into technical details create your favori...


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#video | making of the movie

#video | making of the movie "Star wars: the Last Jedi"

Exhibition D23 Expo has become a real gift for fans of the franchise . Learn fun facts about movies, games, amusement parks. The company definitely knows how to heat up the necessary interest to their projects. But one of the high...


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Shooting sequels

Shooting sequels "Avatar" will begin in September

Director James Cameron is well known to fans of cinema as a skilled visionary and a talented inventor. His painting "Terminator 2," "Aliens," "the Abyss" and "Titanic" was innovative for its time and acquired a multimillion army o...


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#video | Directed by Neil Blomkamp gives his new film absolutely free

#video | Directed by Neil Blomkamp gives his new film absolutely free

We have already that the South African filmmaker Neil Blomkamp ("District 9", "Robot named Chappy", "Elizium: Paradise not on Earth") is busy creating several short films, post scheduled in the gaming service Steam. Until the last...


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New films by Director Neil Blomkamp will appear in the service Steam

New films by Director Neil Blomkamp will appear in the service Steam

the 37-year-old South African Director Neil Blomkamp conquered Hollywood and millions of viewers of his science fiction film "District 9" (2009), and then secured the position of such bands as "Elizium: Paradise not on Earth" (201...


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#video | Unseen special effects in films directed by David Fincher

#video | Unseen special effects in films directed by David Fincher

we All love the Director David Fincher for such great films as "Seven", "Game", "the Disappeared", "the curious case of Benjamin Button" and of course "Fight club". But few people realize that in the movies this Creator has a huge...


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