Machine learning 54

The neural network was trained to copy movements of people from videos on YouTube

The neural network was trained to copy movements of people from videos on YouTube

today, the main methods of creating realistic animation of virtual creatures are skeletal animation and the infamous Motion Capture (mocap). However, experts are constantly in search of new lower quality, but cheaper ways. And, qu...


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Microsoft bought

Microsoft bought "design for AI applications"

In recent years various devices, applications and services are increasingly using for work the neural network based artificial intelligence. It seems that to make such things extremely difficult, but it turns out that it even has ...


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The neural network learned how to apply the facial expressions of one person on the face of another

The neural network learned how to apply the facial expressions of one person on the face of another

a group of researchers often experiment with video content by using neural networks. Take for example NVIDIA, which at the end of 2017 neural network to change the weather and time of day on video. Another similar project was laun...


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The neural network has detected signals from a mysterious source

The neural network has detected signals from a mysterious source

Machine learning is used in many fields, including in the projects SETI for search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley used it in the framework of the project a Breakthrough ...


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Can machine learning be put an end to

Can machine learning be put an end to "understand" science?

much To the chagrin of vacationers who are planning a summer picnic, the weather is incredibly Moody and unpredictable. Small changes in precipitation, temperature, humidity, wind speed or direction can change to outdoor condition...


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The WEF warns that AI could destabilize the financial system

The WEF warns that AI could destabilize the financial system

Artificial intelligence will certainly change the financial world in the near future, automating investment and other services — but it can also make the imbalance in the systematic weaknesses and risks, according to the World eco...


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The "Chinese Google" has presented its first chip for artificial intelligence. Started?

the Chinese company Baidu has introduced a chip for artificial intelligence called "Kunlun" during the annual event "Baidu creates", which was held on Tuesday. Company joins the Chinese race among hardware vendors, developed speci...


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Artificial intelligence returned the voice lost its radio host

Artificial intelligence returned the voice lost its radio host

a Technology company from Scotland thanks was able to get the voice of the American journalist and radio host Jamie Dupree. Dupree has lost his ability to speak because of a rare neurological deficits. Today he could be back on th...


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Artificial intelligence predicted the results of world Cup 2018

Artificial intelligence predicted the results of world Cup 2018

Very soon in Russia will begin the world championship on football of 2018. Many will follow this event, including the bookmakers, who have tried to predict the outcome of the championship. Together with them, these results tried t...


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Artificial intelligence has learned to detect people through walls

Artificial intelligence has learned to detect people through walls

the Technology of tracking is no surprise, however, the team of engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) were able to create a device that is able to follow the man through the walls. Moreover, the device is ...


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Jetson Xavier: the brain for robots with AI from NVIDIA

Jetson Xavier: the brain for robots with AI from NVIDIA

At the ongoing international exhibition of high technologies 2018 Computex, NVIDIA has introduced a rather interesting product: the chip called the Jetson Xavier (also known as Isaac), who will act as the brain for robots focused ...


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Created an algorithm that prevents facial recognition system

Created an algorithm that prevents facial recognition system

facial recognition Technology, no doubt, is useful and necessary development, but for all its virtues, it can bear the harm, violating a person's freedom and allowing spying on him. For this purpose, there was created an algorithm...


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Artificial intelligence has created levels for Doom not worse people

Artificial intelligence has created levels for Doom not worse people

is it Possible to secure a modern-day shooter infinite variety of levels? You can, if you train to create them. It is this and engaged researchers from the Polytechnic University of Milan. Their algorithms are trained on known to ...


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Google made a free course for the study of machine-learning techniques

Google made a free course for the study of machine-learning techniques

In recent years, technology is becoming increasingly popular in various fields, including science, industry, business and even the entertainment industry. Specialists in this area are valued higher, however, due to the fact that t...


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Machines, teaching each other, could be crucial for artificial intelligence

Machines, teaching each other, could be crucial for artificial intelligence

During a press conference on the announcement function of the autopilot in the Tesla Model S, which took place in October of 2015, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that every driver will be "coach-expert" for each Model S. Each car would ...


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In Google Play there will be a new category?

In Google Play there will be a new category?

Many users of Google Play is perceived primarily as a store of applications for the popular mobile operating system Android. However, there are other content. Moreover, in Google Play can be a new products category, sales of which...


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Robots taught to predict the future

Robots taught to predict the future

At the moment, no matter how capable nor was the robotic mechanism, it in most cases operates according to pre-defined algorithms (or not controlled) and cannot foresee the consequences of their actions. But scientists from the Un...


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Researchers in the US have developed a new way to teach robots

Researchers in the US have developed a new way to teach robots

Training or training – not an easy task. As a rule, scientists and engineers have to resort to that movements mechanical the wards answered to certain requirements. A team of researchers from the U.S. rice University has developed...


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AI Google created its own AI that surpasses all counterparts

AI Google created its own AI that surpasses all counterparts

in the Spring of this year, the company's engineers introduced the Google Brain artificial intelligence that can create its own unique AI without human assistance. Not so long ago it became known that AutoML for the first time cre...


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Artificial intelligence has learned to circumvent the protection from robots

Artificial intelligence has learned to circumvent the protection from robots

One of the main ways to protect the Internet from the invasion of bots is a captcha — computer test by which the system determines whether the user is a human or a computer. This is one example of the Turing test. The basic ...


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