Lasers 33

If we can settle the life on outer space?

If we can settle the life on outer space?

the galaxy's billions of worlds like ours. Do we need to send them the germ of life, to settle her throughout the cosmos? Claudius Gros Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, believes that it is necessary. For this, he proposes ...


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Fighters with combat lasers entered service already in 2021

Fighters with combat lasers entered service already in 2021

New weapons systems for combat aircraft based lasers are being developed for quite some time. During the cold war were made the first attempts to create such aircraft. But only now, in the framework of the SHiELD (Self-protect Hig...


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The US has created a mobile laser gun

The US has created a mobile laser gun

Very often what we see in science fiction films, in one form or another after some time incarnates in the real world. Laser weapons cannot be described as something unprecedented, however, all the existing laser system was fixed, ...


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American military laser destroyed five drones

American military laser destroyed five drones

the U.S. military continues to work on several projects relating to laser weapons. A promising technology is not without significant flaws, but tests of new development in the US army carried out regularly. Recently in Chateau new...


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Europe is preparing to test a powerful x-ray laser

Europe is preparing to test a powerful x-ray laser

the European x-ray free electron laser (European X-Ray Free Electron Laser, XFEL) is an international project designed to monitor the course of chemical reactions, which involved 12 countries. The main contribution to the project ...


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The us military has experienced combat laser in the helicopter

The us military has experienced combat laser in the helicopter

the American company Raytheon, specializing in the production of weapons, held recently tested its laser system. For comprehensive testing will take more time, but the gun has proved to be very good — were able to capture a ...


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10 ways by which aliens are able to contact us

10 ways by which aliens are able to contact us

Humanity is still not met any life forms outside of our planet. If you ignore the tales of "Area 51" and "eyewitness encounters with UFOs and their pilots" we still have not received any extraterrestrial signals even remotely tryi...


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Scientists accidentally created a black hole of molecular

Scientists accidentally created a black hole of molecular

do Not be afraid of the title. Black hole accidentally created by the staff of SLAC National accelerator laboratory, turned out only the size of a single atom, so we are not threatened. And the name "black hole" only vaguely descr...


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Created camera filming with a frequency of five trillion frames per second

Created camera filming with a frequency of five trillion frames per second

high-speed camera, shoot with a frequency of several thousand frames per second, has long been available to anyone. There are such devices expensive, but can capture the smallest details the most rapid movements and scenes such as...


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An inside look: what is it made of 3D-show-musical #JUMIO

An inside look: what is it made of 3D-show-musical #JUMIO

In April will be held the first screenings of the most anticipated performance of 2017 — . The difference from traditional views primarily in that it uses high technology: instead of the traditional Romeo here the leader of ...


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Lockheed Martin will begin delivery of laser weapons for the US Army

Lockheed Martin will begin delivery of laser weapons for the US Army

While the ordinary people complain that we have so far dzhetpakov and flying machines, military structures, too, often have to stand "in a queue" and humbly wait for their hands will get the latest development. As, for example, la...


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It has created a lighting system for lasers

It has created a lighting system for lasers

the Engineers of the holding "Ruselectronics" is launching a novel lighting system which is based on the use of laser radiation. These lights can operate in hostile environments like nuclear power stations and even underwater. Rad...


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The researchers created and tested a laser that is 10 times more powerful than normal

The researchers created and tested a laser that is 10 times more powerful than normal

an international group of scientists announced the successful completion of the test heavy duty laser "Bivoj" (Bivoj), received its name in honor of the legendary Czech athlete. According to the news Agency Agence France-Presse, q...


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