Inventions 63

Blue phosphorus is a new two-dimensional material capable oust graphene

Blue phosphorus is a new two-dimensional material capable oust graphene

Invented in the early 21st century, graphene has already found its application in many fields of science and technology. And even gave the scientists who studied him the Nobel prize. However, two-dimensional structure like that of...


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A self-healing material can repair itself with the help of carbon dioxide

A self-healing material can repair itself with the help of carbon dioxide

Very often in sci-Fi works, you can see some high-tech materials, which after the damage to heal, if they themselves try to "cure". Sounds and looks extremely unrealistic, because if the damage destroyed the bonds between the mole...


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This champagne can be drunk even in space!

This champagne can be drunk even in space!

Sometimes new developments are not only in order to move progress forward, but for the invention of very interesting things. As is customary to celebrate the start of a serious event? Butylkoj champagne! But in zero gravity, as yo...


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In water and alcohol: in Russia, has developed a new engine for nanosatellites

In water and alcohol: in Russia, has developed a new engine for nanosatellites

Developers of a prototype propulsion system in a mixture of distilled water and ethyl alcohol are the engineers of the Samara University. The choice of such a working body of the Russian University scientists explain that water ha...


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Created coating, is not subject to icing. It can be used in the creation of aircraft

Created coating, is not subject to icing. It can be used in the creation of aircraft

Now to prevent icing of power lines, turbines and housings of aircraft used in special chemical substances which reduce the freezing point of water, not allowed to form ice, and so on. But such mixtures are not always effective an...


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Created printing method using sound waves

Created printing method using sound waves

For printing have long been used not only for solid and powdered substances, but also liquid. Although using the latest still have problems: for example, the liquid must have a certain level of viscosity, or the nozzle of the prin...


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Thomas Edison called this phone call impossible, but he was held

Thomas Edison called this phone call impossible, but he was held

Thomas Edison was a terrible forecaster. Of course, none of us can see into the future, regardless of the degree of development of intelligence, but one bad forecast Edison failed to refute even during his lifetime. In 1984, Thoma...


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Chinese scientists have created an artificial wood that does not burn in the fire

Chinese scientists have created an artificial wood that does not burn in the fire

the Tree is, no doubt, good building and decorative material, but its use is associated with weight the most enjoyable moments since the cost and harm to the environment due to massive deforestation to a high fire hazard. However,...


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Physics turned a microwave into the plasma generator

Physics turned a microwave into the plasma generator

from school it is known that the substance has 3 main aggregate States – solid, liquid and gaseous. But few people remember that there are others. For example, the state of the plasma. To it is not so easy, however, a group of phy...


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#video | 19-year-old cryptomeria created a costume of one of the enemies of spider-Man

#video | 19-year-old cryptomeria created a costume of one of the enemies of spider-Man

Very often it happens that at first glance a fantastic invention find embodiment in the real life. After all, who among us has not dreamed of a superhero costume? And maybe supervillain! For example, Eric Finman, 19-year-old milli...


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Russian schoolboy has created

Russian schoolboy has created "sonic eyes" that will help blind people

Many people with great skepticism belong to different circles and sections that develop the talents of the child, but in vain! After all, many great inventions have grown out of ideas of very young people. Recently, the 9th grader...


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#video | the Inhabitant of Novosibirsk invented a wheelchair controlled by thought

#video | the Inhabitant of Novosibirsk invented a wheelchair controlled by thought

Modern technology should not only improve the lives of ordinary people, but also to help those who, for one reason or another can not live a full life. For example, recently a graduate of the Novosibirsk state technical University...


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Well, finally! Created contact lenses,

Well, finally! Created contact lenses, "shooting" laser

Scientists from St. Andrews University (Scotland) have created an ultra-thin flexible film capable of emitting laser light. The researchers conducted a successful test of contact lenses, demonstrating the real possibility to produ...


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Without needles: created

Without needles: created "smart" patch for the analysis of glucose in the blood

Scientists from the British University of Bath has developed an adhesive skin patch that measures glucose levels in the body without blood sampling. For the analysis of the gadget uses interstitial fluid that washes the cells in t...


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The new format of JPEG XS for virtual reality, drones and Autonomous cars

The new format of JPEG XS for virtual reality, drones and Autonomous cars

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), the international Committee under the leadership of Professor EPFL, presented a new JPEG format XS. It allows you to compress the image using less power and send high quality images through...


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18 random scientific inventions and discoveries that changed the world

18 random scientific inventions and discoveries that changed the world

Most scientific discoveries are the result of painstaking, focused and incredibly complex work, the goal of which is to single task — to make a breakthrough in a particular area. But history is full of instances when incredi...


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The art of kirigami inspired scientists to create innovative patch

The art of kirigami inspired scientists to create innovative patch

Kirigami is the Japanese art of making paper of different figurines and greeting cards using ordinary scissors. Who would have thought that it will inspire researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology for the creatio...


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Created a graphene filter is able to purify even seawater

Created a graphene filter is able to purify even seawater

an Australian team of scientists from the State Association scientific and applied research (CSIRO) provided a cheap method of filtering water (even sea) on the basis of one species of graphene — the material, called GraphAi...


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Russia is working on a wheelchair controlled by gaze

Russia is working on a wheelchair controlled by gaze

High technology are designed not only to facilitate our lives, but also improve the quality of people with disabilities. Russian scientists on the basis of the research center "Kurchatov Institute" has developed a new wheelchair g...


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#news high tech | Issue 220

#news high tech | Issue 220

Every Monday in the new issue of «News high-tech» we summarize the previous week, talking about some of the most important events, the key discoveries and inventions. This time we will focus on the flying taxi VTOL SureF...


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