Germs 25

Modified microbes will help in the colonization of new planets

Modified microbes will help in the colonization of new planets

since people are going into space in search of life, most alien organisms, of which we meet may be logged by us. Scientists from NASA and other institutions are trying to biologically alter microbes so that they took over some of ...


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Scientists have discovered how microbes manage to survive in the sterile environment of the spacecraft

Scientists have discovered how microbes manage to survive in the sterile environment of the spacecraft

Rakesh Mogul, Professor of biological chemistry California Polytechnic University in Pomona, was the lead author of the study published in the journal Astrobiology, where scientists explain the cause of contamination of germs ster...


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Yellowstone will tell you how to find life on Mars

Yellowstone will tell you how to find life on Mars

Student-geologist from the University of Cincinnati is helping NASA determine whether on other planets to support life. Now Andrew Gungadin writes and doctoral works with Professor of Geology Andrew Tea over the handle for ancient...


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IBM began the study of the human microbiome and its impact on health

IBM began the study of the human microbiome and its impact on health

If by "genome" we mean the set of genes contained in the set of chromosomes of a single organism, BIOM — is the aggregate of microorganisms living in the human body. To this day scientists have a very vague idea about how th...


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The microbes can be a private version of the Internet

The microbes can be a private version of the Internet

the Creation of a huge global network connecting billions of people, can be one of the greatest achievements of mankind to date, but microbes could overtake us in this three billion years. These tiny single-celled organisms are no...


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