Gaming console 31

#E3 | the outcome of the conference Microsoft

#E3 | the outcome of the conference Microsoft

After a frankly disastrous launch of the Xbox One, the Redmond company recovered immediately. It took serious changes in the leadership of the game unit in order to find the right direction. The new console codenamed Project Scorp...


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#E3 | Results EA conference

#E3 | Results EA conference

Corporation EA (Electronic Arts) is one of the world's largest game publishers. It was founded in 1982, originally from Apple Trip Hawkins to publish little-known video game developers. In those years, Hawkins has put in the EA $ ...


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#E3 | Where and when to watch live conferences from E3 2017

#E3 | Where and when to watch live conferences from E3 2017

the Largest annual exhibition of E3, entirely devoted to video games in all their manifestations, is a real treat for gamers around the world. During this event, lasting several days, to exhibit new video games, the following mode...


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Microsoft stirs public interest in his new game console

Microsoft stirs public interest in his new game console

Before E3 2017 a few days left. The first conference of publishers, EA will be streamed live Saturday evening, June 11. Some companies have begun to warm up the audience in advance to the start of the events for video game fans li...


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Sony officially stopped production of the PlayStation 3

Sony officially stopped production of the PlayStation 3

All good ends sooner or later. Game console went on sale in 2006, more than ten years ago. For Japanese consoles it was released a huge number of video games, including exclusive games like Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, LittleBigPlan...


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The company Nintendo has introduced a new version of its handheld console

The company Nintendo has introduced a new version of its handheld console

Today, without any preliminary announcements of the Japanese company Nintendo introduced the world to a new version of the handheld console called the Nintendo 2DS New XL. As the name implies, handheld got a new iron and much more...


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Switch became the fastest console in history, Nintendo

Switch became the fastest console in history, Nintendo

a Game console went on sale recently, but already it is now clear that the console is literally flying off the shelves of stores worldwide. The Japanese manufacturer has made a bet on the hybridity of the new platform that allows ...


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Manufacturing the PlayStation 3 in Japan will soon end

Manufacturing the PlayStation 3 in Japan will soon end

the Game console of new generation PlayStation 4 from the Japanese company Sony has 3 years old, but the production of the previous generation home gaming console – the PlayStation 3 is still ongoing. And yet all good things soone...


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Browse Nintendo game console Switch

Browse Nintendo game console Switch

my Life is inextricably linked to video games, so the release of every new gaming console for me is akin to the holiday. I literally start counting the days until the start of official sales, impatiently glancing at the calendar. ...


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Performance analysis of Nintendo game console Switch

Performance analysis of Nintendo game console Switch

the release of the new game console is not far off, and we will tell our readers all about it as soon as it will appear in our hands after 3 March. Meanwhile you can see the specifications of a future console that focused on those...


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Sales of the PlayStation VR headset exceeded expectations Sony

Sales of the PlayStation VR headset exceeded expectations Sony

Virtual reality has divided the world in two. The first team included skeptics who do not believe in the success of new technology and predict her sad fate in the coming years, and the second command, on the contrary, believes in ...


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