Evolution 50

Why the ancient apes did not know how to walk on two legs and lived on trees?

Why the ancient apes did not know how to walk on two legs and lived on trees?

some look so ancient monkeys in the representation of the artist In one of our previous articles we talked about how modern apes have learned . This is a very interesting topic to study, because millions of years ago our ancestors...


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Created a new theory of the origin of life on Earth

Created a new theory of the origin of life on Earth

Perhaps the scientists were able to create a new theory about the origin and evolution of species on Earth. life on the planet appeared a little more than 3.5 billion years ago. Despite the fact that the process of its emergence l...


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Climate change causes birds to evolve

Climate change causes birds to evolve

Increase in global temperature leads to evolution of birds the Increase in average summer temperatures could affect the appearance of most birds on the planet. For such controversial conclusion came specialists of Chicago, who for...


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The driving force of evolution is mutation and not natural selection

The driving force of evolution is mutation and not natural selection

the Principle of evolution works not only on Earth but in the Universe Many evolutionary biologists are fascinated by almost perfect adaptation of organisms to the environment. Apparently, many of them consider natural selection a...


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SPb brain evolution explains faith in God and the supernatural

SPb brain evolution explains faith in God and the supernatural

the belief in the supernatural evolved along with us. Is a natural evolutionary process no matter How amazing we are with you it seems, but to believe in the supernatural is actually natural. Almost 6 billion people in the world i...


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Scientists reconstructed the family tree of great apes

Scientists reconstructed the family tree of great apes

still from the film “king Kong.” Scientists have reconstructed the pedigree of the biggest that ever existed on Earth. Using the analysis performed on the proteins of tooth enamel with age 2 million years, the researchers mapped o...


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As the monkey learned to walk on two legs?

As the monkey learned to walk on two legs?

look like baboons — they are we will mention just below. Millions of years ago was charged with four limbs. In the course of evolution, they somehow learned to walk on two legs, but scientists still cannot come to a consensus abou...


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Where did the arachnophobia — fear of spiders?

Where did the arachnophobia — fear of spiders?

it is Very unpleasant to look at photos of spiders when you're arachnophobe Many people, including the author of this article, I'm afraid . From my own experience, I can say that this fear is quite irrational — I know that s...


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Ancient kangaroos once filled the Land

Ancient kangaroos once filled the Land

Prehistoric kangaroo was more like a three-meter pandas did you Know that the closest living ice age is not a modern kangaroo and Panda? Although these prehistoric animals lived in Australia, like their counterparts from the XXI c...


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If you don't play sports, your heart will become like a monkey

If you don't play sports, your heart will become like a monkey

Monkey though not tougher, but more people Millions of years ago our ancestors were able to travel thousands of kilometres . Due to this, we all now have a pretty good endurance in comparison with monkeys — at least we can go to t...


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Why animals and humans sacrifice?

Why animals and humans sacrifice?

Among the meerkats spread altruistic behavior Biologists call the dedicated animal behavior altruism. In nature, altruism quite often. As an example, scientists lead the meerkats. When a group of meerkats is looking for food, one ...


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The largest dinosaur on Earth could fly

The largest dinosaur on Earth could fly

the Wingspan of a pterosaur-giant could reach ten meters. Cryodrakon boreas — a giant pterosaur from the group azhdarchids dinosaur presented himself with a ten foot wingspan. Pterosaur lived during the Cretaceous period, an...


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How were prehistoric animals?

How were prehistoric animals?

So looked found fossil. whatever you are doing, remember that this contributed to billions of years . All because to turn one complex organism into another flick of the wrist will not work. Nevertheless, complex organisms exist. F...


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Like viruses accelerated evolution

Like viruses accelerated evolution

around the world for many years, used the so-called «method of directed evolution». It lies in the fact that scientists, by acting on living organisms, cause the appearance they need at the moment properties. The develop...


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Scientists have found differences between serial killers, male and female

Scientists have found differences between serial killers, male and female

the vast majority of serial killers are men, but there are also plenty of evidence that they can be women. Generally, the first serial killer in history can be considered a woman by the name , which made a lot of poisoning in Anci...


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People still mate with Neanderthals. Why?

People still mate with Neanderthals. Why?

We know that Homo sapiens ("wise man") lived on earth together with the Neanderthals. Moreover, DNA analysis proves that men and women of both species (or subspecies, if you want) mated. Of course, the daily routine for the workin...


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Scientists: complex life forms were formed due to the tiny predators

Scientists: complex life forms were formed due to the tiny predators

Speaking of Ice age, we immediately think about the massive cold snap that occurred about 110 thousand years ago. However, scientists have a theory that long before the well-known period of our planet is faced with so strong a dec...


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The presence of rare mechanism of evolution got proof

The presence of rare mechanism of evolution got proof

As a new species in nature? According to the theory of evolution, one possibility to do this in a rather simplified form it looks like this: population of animals or plants becomes isolated geographically — is separated, for...


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In the Alps, found an ancestor of tyrannosaurs. And he shed light on the evolution of ancient dinosaurs

In the Alps, found an ancestor of tyrannosaurs. And he shed light on the evolution of ancient dinosaurs

it is believed that the large dinosaurs appeared in the middle Jurassic period, about 180 million years ago, and before that in the ancient Land walking lizards much smaller. However, the recent discovery of paleontologists can ra...


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An experiment was initiated for modeling the first artificial quantum life

An experiment was initiated for modeling the first artificial quantum life

Modern computers give a lot of possibilities for simulation of different situations. However, any calculations will be somewhat "linear", as they are subject to clearly defined algorithms, and can't retreat. And this system does ...


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