ESA 28

Scientists have created a

Scientists have created a "second skin" for astronauts, effectively simulating gravity

a Long stay in microgravity leads immediately to a number of health problems in astronauts and cosmonauts. These include, for example, — the loss of bone density and muscular atrophy. But there is another feature: man in zer...


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In 2019 the ISS will be a private research module

In 2019 the ISS will be a private research module

Airbus and the European space Agency have signed an agreement under which aircraft the company will invest in the development of the research platform Bartolomeo 40 million euros and ESA will deliver the finished module into orbit...


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EKA is testing the satellites, is able to change orbit

EKA is testing the satellites, is able to change orbit

ESA has developed a new model of small CubeSat satellites, is able to change orbit with a butane engines installed in their buildings. The first such satellites — GomX-4B and GomX-4A — will be launched in early Februar...


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17 the next space missions that deserve your attention

17 the next space missions that deserve your attention

For a good half of the previous century, humanity had time to run in the boundless space of a set of scientific instruments. With a single purpose – to better understand this, it would seem, at first glance, completely lifeless va...


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The Australian government plans to create its own space Agency

The Australian government plans to create its own space Agency

Australia hosts the international Astronautical Congress. At the ceremony of its opening in Adelaide was made by the Minister of education, Senator Simon Birmingham. In his welcoming speech, he mentioned about the plans of the gov...


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NASA and ESA will take the asteroid to RAM in 2024

NASA and ESA will take the asteroid to RAM in 2024

you Probably didn't know about this, but June 30 is considered the world's "Day of the asteroids", in this day of eminent scientists trying to communicate to space agencies and governments of the threat posed by these mysterious h...


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ESA will launch the telescope PLATO in 2026

ESA will launch the telescope PLATO in 2026

According to specialists of the European space Agency, the telescope PLATO, to build and launch, which began in 2014, will help in finding twins of Earth and habitable exoplanets. project Leader PLATO at EKA Gizon Laurent explai...


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China is discussing with ESA the possibility of building a lunar orbital base

China is discussing with ESA the possibility of building a lunar orbital base

Representatives of China national space administration and European space Agency are currently leading the discussion about the potential cooperation in the construction of the orbital lunar base, as well as possible other joint p...


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