Diagnostics 36

Created a high-tech tablet for examination of the intestine

Created a high-tech tablet for examination of the intestine

gut check — the procedure is not the most pleasant, but, no doubt, necessary. Most patients delay the examination or completely abandon it precisely because of the huge discomfort. However, a group of scientists from Austral...


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Japanese doctors have found a new way to diagnose cancer

Japanese doctors have found a new way to diagnose cancer

the Detection of cancer at an early stage can save human life, but, unlike "normal" tests, test for the presence of cancer requires a specific approach, and not all tumors can be detected using screening (a quick survey of a large...


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GPhone: the cover on the phone, able to control the level of glucose in the blood

GPhone: the cover on the phone, able to control the level of glucose in the blood

In the modern smartphone integrated many functions: photo and video camera, voice recorder and music player that 15-20 years ago it was impossible to imagine in a single device. But in recent times manufacturers are trying to equi...


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Diseases will be identified, just by scanning the retina

Diseases will be identified, just by scanning the retina

Periodic diagnostics and preventive examinations help to reveal a lot of disease at an early stage, but some conditions can be diagnosed only when the disease is already quite long. In addition, a life-threatening pathology can't ...


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The neural network puts diagnoses better than doctors

The neural network puts diagnoses better than doctors

a Group of scientists from Stanford University have developed a neural network which based on several x-ray can diagnose pneumonia, and it makes it no worse than practitioners-radiologists. To create an algorithm, scientists have...


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Russian scientists have found a way to control nanoparticles in the human body

Russian scientists have found a way to control nanoparticles in the human body

the Use of nanoparticles in medicine is a very promising development. But there is this technology and a significant disadvantage: expensive to produce nanoparticles are extremely targetirovanie. That is, do not apply where and ar...


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Modern tests to determine cancer are not effective?

Modern tests to determine cancer are not effective?

Modern methods of diagnosis of this deadly disease as cancer are not informative enough. The disease is usually detected at a late stage. One of the most common ways to recognize cancer is the identification of tumor markers (if s...


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100 diagnoses in 4.8 seconds: the usual routine of medical AI

100 diagnoses in 4.8 seconds: the usual routine of medical AI

the sooner the doctor put the diagnosis – the better for the patient. The speed and quality of diagnosis depends treatment and recovery time. But even the most skilled diagnostician can't compete with the Chinese "physician" under...


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New test helps detect cancer 10 years before his appearance

New test helps detect cancer 10 years before his appearance

the Problem of early diagnosis of life-threatening diseases is one of the most important areas of modern medicine. And recently, experts from Johns Hopkins University conducted the first tests universal test for cancer that can di...


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Designed test that will identify the dormant HIV

Designed test that will identify the dormant HIV

Scientists from all over the world do not stop looking for a cure for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). New drugs are created and tested constantly, and the work in this direction is hampered by the fact that the virus may b...


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Medical device-diagnostics WellPoint will be able to replace nurses

Medical device-diagnostics WellPoint will be able to replace nurses

the Belgian company BeWell has created a device that allows the patient to undergo an initial medical examination before the doctor's appointment. While the man sitting in the queue, he could spend the time more usefully. Viewing ...


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Smart tattoo with electrodes. Step towards the robotics of a person or a fad?

Smart tattoo with electrodes. Step towards the robotics of a person or a fad?

Seem like a smart tattoo in the next few years will become, if not commonplace, like smart watches, it is certainly a very popular trend in the field of IT. Recently we wrote that in Japan , and now appeared the information that t...


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Russian scientists have developed a new technology to detect chromosomal instability

Russian scientists have developed a new technology to detect chromosomal instability

As the press service of the far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), one of the graduate students of this educational institution Nikolay Goncharov together with a group of employees of the National Institute of health, USA has crea...


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Nanoparticles of urea and citric acid will help in the fight against dangerous diseases

Nanoparticles of urea and citric acid will help in the fight against dangerous diseases

according to the publication, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, the team of scientists from Russia and Ukraine managed to create a harmless nanoparticles on the basis of urea and citric acid, which when introduced into the huma...


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Found a way to detect lung cancer in exhaled air

Found a way to detect lung cancer in exhaled air

Diagnostic medicine and prevention is perhaps one of the most important areas. After all, any disease is much better to treatment if detected early. This is especially true of such terrible diseases as cancer. But there is one pro...


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AI is as effective in diagnosing skin cancer, like a real dermatologist

AI is as effective in diagnosing skin cancer, like a real dermatologist

New artificial intelligence system is able to determine the visible signs of skin cancer with the same accuracy with which it is done by real doctors. The next step, according to experts, who developed this system, is its integrat...


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