Coronavirus 137

Proven safety of Chinese vaccines against coronavirus

Proven safety of Chinese vaccines against coronavirus

the Latest science news give the world hope for a speedy end of the pandemic – as the study authors write in the medical journal The Lancet, the vaccine, which worked by Chinese scientists, proved safe. Remember, now researchers a...


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Mink – intermediate hosts of the coronavirus?

Mink – intermediate hosts of the coronavirus?

Some unusual news came from the Dutch scientists, a worker of the fur farms in the Netherlands were infected COVID-19 after exposure of Minks reared for the fur industry. To such conclusion came from Dutch scientists in the analys...


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Depression, psychosis, PTSD and others do not discuss the consequences of a pandemic

Depression, psychosis, PTSD and others do not discuss the consequences of a pandemic

Cough, fever, loss of smell… these are symptoms COVID-19, which we all know. But what happens to the psyche in these difficult times? How to write psychiatrists to their experience with the infected SARS-CoV-2, showed that p...


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How to remove quarantine in different countries?

How to remove quarantine in different countries?

Agree, quarantine can't last forever. Only a few months have passed since the Declaration of a pandemic of a new coronavirus, as the world economy has faced unprecedented challenges. So, on may 1, 2020 was released by the Federal ...


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Is it safe to swim during a pandemic coronavirus?

Is it safe to swim during a pandemic coronavirus?

Pandemic coronavirus, of course, put an end to summer plans, but there is good news: despite the fact that in our country summer is sometimes cold, it does not mean that we are not going to swim. As researchers found, swimming in ...


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How vitamin D affects the risk of death during the coronavirus?

How vitamin D affects the risk of death during the coronavirus?

since the topic of coronavirus relevant and interesting to many, will continue to talk about fighting the virus, but from the point of view of science. Daily on TV you can hear the speeches of politicians on the fact that someone ...


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A panic attack can mimic the symptoms COVID-19. What to do with it?

A panic attack can mimic the symptoms COVID-19. What to do with it?

because of the abundance of alarming news about the pandemic of the novel coronavirus can experience a real panic attack. The symptoms are similar to symptoms COVID-19: shortness of breath, feeling of impending doom, a feeling of ...


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The United States accused China of plans to steal the design of vaccines against coronavirus

The United States accused China of plans to steal the design of vaccines against coronavirus

Sometimes it seems that coronavirus is driving people crazy. This is not surprising given how many have already have to sit in quarantine. A similar situation occurs throughout the world and this must have something to do. Not sur...


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Coronavirus with us forever?

Coronavirus with us forever?

don't know about you, but my head is spinning with new information about coronavirus. What is happening today in the world, what are confronted daily by doctors and patients – really scary. But even worse is getting from just thin...


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Respiratory bag or Ambu Bag is what you need to know?

Respiratory bag or Ambu Bag is what you need to know?

Let's try to imagine the worst of all possible scenarios – you have been infected COVID-19 and was in the hospital. Your condition is rapidly deteriorating, and breathing difficulties are becoming more pronounced. The body tempera...


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Who has the strongest immunity to coronavirus

Who has the strongest immunity to coronavirus

the more I think about the consequences of the current pandemic with the coronavirus, nautiliaceae thoughts visit me. That's already begun to remove restrictions in connection with the withdrawal, to run, to release people to work...


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Why 45 percent of Americans refuse to wear a protective mask

Why 45 percent of Americans refuse to wear a protective mask

Not so long ago we talked , or rather of its serious prejudice to the minds of the people. Today I was wondering what percentage of people in the world adhere to recommended antiviral measures. For example, in Russia more recently...


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The consequences of a pandemic coronavirus

The consequences of a pandemic coronavirus

As said Vladimir Putin in his new year message, from 2020, we live in a turbulent, dynamic and controversial time. But who would have known that the year 2020 will not be the solution to all problems of the past, and will bring us...


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Do we have immunity to the new coronavirus?

Do we have immunity to the new coronavirus?

Sooner or later the country will begin again to let the citizens of other countries once closed the border because of the risk of the spread of coronavirus. But how to prevent a repeat of the epidemic? So far, the countries themse...


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Is it possible to stop the spread of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus?

Is it possible to stop the spread of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus?

don't You think the world is a little crazy? I would suggest that prior to the pandemic COVID-19 he was somewhat in order, pollution, uncontrolled population growth and climate change along with our unbridled desire to consume mor...


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The coronavirus was in France in December, scientists say

The coronavirus was in France in December, scientists say

According to the official version, the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causing COVID-19, appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the market for seafood in December 2019. However, data from a recent study that radically change our view ...


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The coronavirus has mutated to become more contagious

The coronavirus has mutated to become more contagious

And again with disturbing news about COVID-19: scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which became dominant in the world and apparently is more contagious than previous strains that circulated in th...


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The researchers first created antibodies that can destroy coronavirus

The researchers first created antibodies that can destroy coronavirus

For several months, scientists from many countries, including Russia, are trying to create effective the vaccine for coronavirus. And their labors finally gave the first fruits: scientists from the two countries were able to ident...


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Scientists have created an even more dangerous virus to defeat COVID-19

Scientists have created an even more dangerous virus to defeat COVID-19

to be honest, even a little tired to start the article with the words of the coronavirus, but it does not allow us to relax and became the main newsmaker of the beginning of this decade. And now the news will touch on how Chinese ...


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Is it true that China has destroyed the evidence of experiments with coronavirus?

Is it true that China has destroyed the evidence of experiments with coronavirus?

Well, is gradually “coronavirus Apocalypse” routine? Don't know about you, but my life in the last month and a half is very reminiscent of Groundhog day, with the only exception that unlike the bill Murray character in the eponymo...


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