Beverage 10

How does the Coca-Cola plant and how it is produced

How does the Coca-Cola plant and how it is produced

Many people say that carbonated drinks are very harmful to drink they should not. However, or so I think not all, or just do not all do as they teach others. As a result, we have one of the most recognizable brands in history and ...


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How red wine can help the Mars colonists?

How red wine can help the Mars colonists?

we All know that the red planet Mars may one day become the new home for mankind's future. However, in order to make it a very harsh place in a warm refuge for humans and animals, scientists need first to come up with different wa...


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Do I need to drink coffee to boost creativity?

Do I need to drink coffee to boost creativity?

Many people after waking up in the morning brew yourself to to think better and generally be more energetic. Some believe that after receiving regular doses of caffeine, along with improving the functioning of the brain, they have...


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Is it true that daily consumption of beer increases the risk of cancer?

Is it true that daily consumption of beer increases the risk of cancer?

the man's Love for alcohol is truly immortal: archeologists have discovered that our love affair with green snake began about . Evidence of alcohol consumption found in almost every society throughout history. Today the culture of...


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Coffee may cause miscarriage in pregnant women

Coffee may cause miscarriage in pregnant women

According to statistics, a completed miscarriage is about 15-20% of pregnancies. During pregnancy, when women formed a new living creature, you must follow many strict rules. The mothers at least , to wear more comfortable clothin...


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#CES | LG Kitchen appliance makes it easy to brew a beer at home

#CES | LG Kitchen appliance makes it easy to brew a beer at home

At CES 2019, LG has made a truly intriguing announcement for fans of a cold craft beer — she introduced the brewing apparatus HomeBrew. It simplifies the process of production, independently controlling the fermentation and other ...


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Carlsberg brewed the first beer from wastewater

Carlsberg brewed the first beer from wastewater

Alcoholic beverage, we want to tell, in Sweden has been dubbed the «shit beer» or «bajsöl». It boiled at the brewery, Nya Carnegie, it's called PU:REST, and this is the first beer in Sweden, two-thirds of the w...


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Startup Alcarelle will produce a substitute for alcohol from Star Trek

Startup Alcarelle will produce a substitute for alcohol from Star Trek

One of the most important future technologies shown in sci-Fi Saga Star Trek — harmless «synthehol». Despite the fact that the smell and taste is identical to that of regular alcohol, the negative effects on the bo...


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Australian AI will be engaged in the production of wine

Australian AI will be engaged in the production of wine

Artificial intelligence has long been brewing beer, so what's the worst wine? Nothing. And in many ways even better, so an Australian company Ailytic decided to create its own AI, capable of nice work in the field of winemaking, s...


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The Stanford students made beer 5000 year old Chinese recipe

The Stanford students made beer 5000 year old Chinese recipe

We know that our ancestors learned to make alcohol for many thousands of years ago. But to this day almost did not survive the original recipes of the ancient intoxicating beverage, and the surviving descriptions of their characte...


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