Bacteria 104

#video | 3D printer can print jewelry, consisting of beautiful bacteria

#video | 3D printer can print jewelry, consisting of beautiful bacteria

Items that glow due to the reaction of bacteria and chemicals In one of our we told you about a project called Bacterial Art. The authors create images of the microbes and try to prove that the bacterial world is not so ugly as it...


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Created "live" concrete made from bacteria, the ability to recover

in the manufacture of a new type of concrete produces less carbon dioxide than when other types of materials For many centuries the builders by mixing sand with different substances to make it as strong as possible. Unfortunately,...


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Microbes, slow one antibiotic develops resistance to others

Microbes, slow one antibiotic develops resistance to others

Superbugs can do today a deadly curable diseases Not completely wiped out infectious bacteria, as it turned out, can be more dangerous than previously thought. According to a study published in the journal , even if one antibiotic...


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#video | Bacteria can come together and create patterns in the form of flowers

#video | Bacteria can come together and create patterns in the form of flowers

Mixing different bacteria you can see the amazing patterns. Microscopic bacteria were the first living creatures that inhabited the Earth, and at the moment they are essential for our healthy life. We can't see them, but millions ...


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Who lives farthest from land point of the ocean?

Who lives farthest from land point of the ocean?

In the depths of the point Nemo hidden hundreds of sunken spacecraft In the middle of the South Pacific there is a special place, so far from land as possible within our planet. in this mysterious place is different. Being located...


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Why is it important to wash hands before eating?

Why is it important to wash hands before eating?

Washing hands is important for our health In a previous article we thoroughly figured out and how to do it. But do not forget that before and after a meal is also important to wash your hands. The fact that through unwashed hands ...


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What disease can infect humans dogs from pet stores?

What disease can infect humans dogs from pet stores?

Dogs can infect humans with bacteria. recently, we talked about how the 63-year-old resident of Germany , which gave him his own dog. In fact, Pets can cause a lot of problems with human health. For example, they can infect people...


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The created surface, which is not sticky even bacteria and viruses

The created surface, which is not sticky even bacteria and viruses

the New surface repels everything, including bacteria and viruses. As you know, bacteria and viruses reproduce rather quickly, falling on any surface. Therefore, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces from microorganisms are extrem...


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In 90% of cosmetics contain dangerous bacteria

In 90% of cosmetics contain dangerous bacteria

Sponges and brushes for applying makeup is dangerous not less than a sponge for washing dishes If you've to use cosmetics, we sincerely hope that you are all right, and not overdue the cosmetics. The fact that the results of a new...


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What is the difference between microbes in the bodies of rich and poor people?

What is the difference between microbes in the bodies of rich and poor people?

Rich people have "quality" microbes Right now, on the surface of your skin and in the intestine and in many other bodies, there are billions of various microbes. The totality of all living together with us microscopic creatures ca...


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From some rare disease you can die dog owners?

From some rare disease you can die dog owners?

a scene from the movie cujo, based on the novel by Stephen king more recently, scientists have conducted a fairly extensive survey, during which it has been proven that dog owners people without Pets. However, there are cases wher...


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In China, an outbreak of bubonic plague

In China, an outbreak of bubonic plague

getting the plague can be in the twenty-first century we recently that a hospital in the Chinese city of Beijing asked two people and they received a terrifying and seemingly impossible in today's world the diagnosis of bubonic pl...


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How many bacteria are contained in a single Apple?

How many bacteria are contained in a single Apple?

Apples really good for your health, scientists have found Apples are among the most consumed fruit in the world. Their popularity is evidenced by the famous English proverb “a day keeps the doctor away”, counterparts of which exis...


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The US military will search for mines using bacteria

The US military will search for mines using bacteria

the Word "mine" comes from the English "mine", indicating a tunnel. In 2015, the air force, the United States began developing , which is installed on the vehicle and neutralizes explosive mines at a distance. But before you disar...


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The strangest things that has ever launched a man into space

The strangest things that has ever launched a man into space

In 2009, the space was 878 25 sent text messages to locate their aliens of Course, the journey of people into space much more impressive than sending in the vast space of dirt from the stadium or, for example, the lightsaber of Lu...


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People who do not wash their hands after using the toilet, spread antibiotic-resistant bacteria

People who do not wash their hands after using the toilet, spread antibiotic-resistant bacteria

E. coli under the microscope we All know that you need to wash your hands after using the toilet. But is everyone doing it? It turned out, the guys who neglect hygiene after visiting the toilet, responsible for the spread of anti...


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How useful the mucus contained inside the human body?

How useful the mucus contained inside the human body?

Mucus has a protective function in organisms many living creatures. no matter How disgusting it is to realize we are all filled with mucus. Every day our body produces about a liter of viscous liquid that covers the walls of the e...


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Scientists study genome of fungi to create new varieties of alcohol

Scientists study genome of fungi to create new varieties of alcohol

Why not use science to create new varieties of alcohol? it Seems that the process is accompanied humanity throughout its history. However, as stated, modern times call for modern solutions. Here and scientific community has begun ...


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Do I need to remove the house shoes?

Do I need to remove the house shoes?

home And you wear street shoes? you've Probably noticed that in many movies the main characters at the entrance to the house. It seems a little odd, especially when you consider that the removal of shoes at home is also a common p...


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As the bacterium turns greenhouse gases into useful products?

As the bacterium turns greenhouse gases into useful products?

E. coli can help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the Earth's atmosphere the So-called “greenhouse effect” plays a big role on our planet. The greenhouse gases included in the composition of Earth's atmosphere, almost not a...


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