Animals 288

This animal is able to survive the bites of ten Scorpions

This animal is able to survive the bites of ten Scorpions

Our planet is a dangerous place where you can die from almost anything. For example, in Japan you can , after eating a piece where you can quickly say goodbye to life. And in Brazil everyone is in danger of being bitten by a yello...


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Found a place that has not suffered at the hands of man

Found a place that has not suffered at the hands of man

Reading the news about how the oceans have become , you would think that mankind hurt each corner of the planet . However, recently the staff of the National geographic society found the place where the human hand has still not ar...


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Length of the smallest dinosaur was only 5 centimeters

Length of the smallest dinosaur was only 5 centimeters

Millions of years ago, our planet was inhabited by dinosaurs, including small, almost defenseless creatures. Recently, an international group of scientists that deals with the study of ancient animals, found the skull of a tiny di...


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Why the turtles eat plastic debris?

Why the turtles eat plastic debris?

due to the fact that people irresponsibly throw garbage from the Windows of cars, ships and even their homes, our planet is gradually turning into a landfill waste. In 2019, British scientists announced that the deep ocean has tur...


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Can the DNA of a Salamander to help restore the lost limbs of man?

Can the DNA of a Salamander to help restore the lost limbs of man?

Imagine that almost any part of the body can be regenerated. How to change our life? Don't know about you, but my first Association with regeneration connected with Hugh Jackman, but rather with them played the character in “X-Men...


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Can Pets be infected with coronavirus?

Can Pets be infected with coronavirus?

Coronavirus — infection that is often transmitted through airborne droplets by analogy with the viruses SARS and influenza. Affecting the lower respiratory tract, the virus causes severe pneumonia, vaccine, which to date doe...


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What signs indicate the beginning of the sixth mass extinction of wildlife?

What signs indicate the beginning of the sixth mass extinction of wildlife?

If the situation on our planet today do not seem irritable, it's time to change your point of view. Last year saw the light of several scientific articles on sixth mass extinction of wildlife, than we are . Recently, researchers p...


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This animal stays pregnant all my life without interruption

This animal stays pregnant all my life without interruption

On our planet is inhabited by a huge number of animals, which we from time to time telling. For example, in one of our recent articles, we have found some of them, like vampires, prefer . This time we will talk about the unusual i...


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Why are there so many cats with white paws?

Why are there so many cats with white paws?

white paw — this is a unique feature of modern cats attracts views, even those of us who do not consider themselves a special pet lovers. Scientists note that this form of coloration is extremely rare in — the elusive ...


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Dogs are able to detect prey by their body temperature

Dogs are able to detect prey by their body temperature

Many predatory animals to detect prey use multiple senses. for example , recognize potential victims, not only with eyes, but using a couple of temperature-sensitive pits on the head. Using your cool senses, the snakes can easily ...


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In Argentina found the remains of the ancestors of the armadillos the size of a car

In Argentina found the remains of the ancestors of the armadillos the size of a car

Today, walking across the wild expanses of Central and South America, you can find very unusual animals, armadillos. Their bodies are almost completely covered with armor, and can weigh up to 60 pounds. But thousands of years ago ...


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Penguins make sounds under water, and scientists don't know why

Penguins make sounds under water, and scientists don't know why

the Penguins are amazing birds, but as it turned out, we knew about them, not all. Recently, scientists managed to capture the sounds that the penguins make under water. For the first time this behavior has been detected in sea bi...


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Butterfly I learned how to hide from the bat, using

Butterfly I learned how to hide from the bat, using "sound camouflage"

Bats usually hunt in the dark, so some people are sure that they have night vision. However, actually, these creatures looking for victims and attack them almost blindly, relying only on his hearing. In one of our we have found th...


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Found the first animal in the world that does not need oxygen to survive

Found the first animal in the world that does not need oxygen to survive

the Researchers found the world's only animal that doesn't need oxygen for survival. It appeared to be a common parasite of salmon. A study published in the journal , showed that the parasite Henneguya salminicola do not require b...


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How whales change the old skin for a new one?

How whales change the old skin for a new one?

Whales are among the largest animals on our planet, because the length of their body is usually about 25 meters and weight up to 90 tons. Despite the fact that these mammals are known since very ancient times and even mentioned in...


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A third of the animals on Earth can disappear in 50 years, scientists have found

A third of the animals on Earth can disappear in 50 years, scientists have found

the Anthropogenic factor has a huge impact on the environment. Today, researchers around the world agree that the rapid human-induced. The problem, as you know, is to raise temperatures. Today, under the threat of extinction is a ...


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The death of a pet can cause more suffering than the loss of a friend or close relative

The death of a pet can cause more suffering than the loss of a friend or close relative

Researchers have confirmed what we already knew — grief for the loss of a pet is comparable to the loss of a loved one, and sometimes can be more traumatic. Scientists believe that our attitude to the loss of Pets has change...


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Scientists have found that rats are capable of mutual help

Scientists have found that rats are capable of mutual help

People have been avoiding the rats always. Moreover, associating them with a variety of dangerous diseases, man has tried to place their home away from these thieving animals. Only in the end of 19th century man looked at his youn...


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In remote lakes of Russia found a new species of fish

In remote lakes of Russia found a new species of fish

On our planet is quite a lot of places that had not gone before. There is a large probability that those parts of the Earth inhabited by living beings that still remain . Recently this assumption has been proved by Russian biologi...


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On the Great Barrier Reef discovered the most unusual scat. What makes it so special?

On the Great Barrier Reef discovered the most unusual scat. What makes it so special?

On our planet exists , the existence of which some people do not even know. For example, in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans is inhabited by a huge creature known as the manta ray, or "giant sea devils". The body length of ...


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