Russia is waiting for: a bill of digital assets will examine in early February


2019-01-15 16:00:08




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Russia is waiting for: a bill of digital assets will examine in early February Source:

The Bill on the digital economy can be adopted by the state Duma in the next month. It is including digital of financial assets. According to the head of the state Duma Committee on financial market Anatoly Aksakov, the document is already on the harmonization of the State Legal Department. He also said that in addition to this bill will be considered by the laws on the regulation of investment platforms or crowdfunding, as well as some changes in the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Officials allegedly failed to reach agreement on the adoption of the digital assets together with the mentioned legislative acts.

According to preliminary information, the final reading will be held in late January or early February. The head of the Committee was also informed about the high probability of the adoption of the law on the regulation of platforms for banking and insurance services. Now two dozen of credit institutions and the Moscow stock exchange are working on the pilot project of the future “marketplace”.

Recall, the draft law on digital assets was adopted in the first reading back in may, but in the version of the document owners digital of financial assets (tokens and cryptocurrencies) can conduct only one type of transactions – to exchange rubles or foreign currency into tokens and Vice versa.

However, for the second reading of the bill, several key terms inherent to the field of digital financial assets, including “crypto-currencies” and “mining”. Since then not received any new data about how cryptocurrency and mining will be enshrined in law. Then the decision argued that most people still don't understand .

To Understand the value and features of its working will help . To track rates and changes in the situation on the market recommend . Prices in rubles.

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