Brian Kelly: hardwork Bitcoin Cash triggered "criptogramas war"


2018-11-16 22:45:06




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Brian Kelly: hardwork Bitcoin Cash triggered Source:

The Founder and CEO of cryptocurrency investment company BKCM Brian Kelly says the market is going to «criptogramas war» because the community had been unable to consenus after your Cash. According to him, it differences caused the collapse of the stock market on Wednesday when Bitcoin yearly low.

Regarding Bitcoin in the past few months disappeared. It was replaced by the peak of a thousand dollars that day, when the community discussed the then upcoming hardwork.

Usually when you update something, all agree that it was good. This time for some reason happened quite differently. All were against. And began some «cryptogamica war». All immediately began to sell. And here's what we came up with the whole market sold.

How to write for the Platform, itself suffered coin Bitcoin Cash, losing weight at $ 100. Kelly fears that markets BTC and BCH can take in «chaos» after that, the hard forks. His investment firm has already bought at lower levels, as the plans to benefit from short-term spikes in the market. However, he warned inexperienced capturadora about the dangerous situation on the market.

I think this is a good opportunity. Our Fund bought some scriptactive, but if you don't understand what hardwork, it is better you this now not to get involved.

Recall, the whole cryptocurrency market is now in decline due to the collapse of the Bitcoin, as it accounts for more than 50 percent of the market. CEO of the cryptocurrency research Agency CoinShares Meltem Demirors for the transmission of CNBC that the collapse can be associated with a reallocation of capital investment funds, which for some reason decided to reduce the share of scriptaction in the portfolio. More data to search for .

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