
How stress changes the brain?

How stress changes the brain?

Stress the silent killer, from the effects of which annually affects millions of people around the world. This may seem surprising, but many people underestimate the danger of stress. Meanwhile, a number of studies on both animals...


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Can new technology to make space travel a reality?

Can new technology to make space travel a reality?

Science fiction inspires inventors, it is not necessary to forget about it what has long been considered science fiction is today commonplace. So, recently in real time, the whole world watched the spectacular space show – the lau...


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In the space laboratory on Board the ISS have created a strange form of matter

In the space laboratory on Board the ISS have created a strange form of matter

One of the coldest places in the Universe is aboard the ISS did you know that on the International space station (ISS) is a Laboratory cold atom (LHA) is one of the coldest places in the known Universe? LHA began its work in June ...


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Discovered the first drug that saves patients coronavirus on a ventilator

Discovered the first drug that saves patients coronavirus on a ventilator

Turned out to be a drug that can save the lives of patients on a ventilator, has existed since the 1960s. six months after the start of the pandemic COVID-19, which claimed more than 450 thousand of lives around the world, researc...


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Physicists figured out how to save Schrodinger's cat

Physicists figured out how to save Schrodinger's cat

the Only thing that today scientists know is that cats love boxes In 1935 the Austrian physicist Edwin schrödinger proposed a thought experiment to demonstrate the absurdity of quantum mechanics. A party to the thought experiment ...


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Scientists caught the next signal from space, but now he regularly repeated

Scientists caught the next signal from space, but now he regularly repeated

FRB — currently one of the most mysterious cosmic phenomena. In 2007, the scientific community was reeling from the big news — scientists have caught from space a powerful signal of unknown origin. According to the researchers, so...


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What is time and can we change its speed?

What is time and can we change its speed?

Time is at all. But just what is time? Time — it's like air. We live in it and not even think about what it is and how to use it. However, it is a very complicated thing, which is the basis of everything. Not for nothing has...


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The scientists were able to determine the level of vitamin C and a person without a blood test

The scientists were able to determine the level of vitamin C and a person without a blood test

the Most common method of determining the concentration of substances in the body for the day is a blood test. It not only allows you to learn the content of vitamins, hormone levels and other indicators of human health, but can a...


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Scientists have measured the minds of fruit flies. But why?

Scientists have measured the minds of fruit flies. But why?

There are some questions, the answers to which the greatest minds of the planet are looking for not the first century. So, the question of what dominates the consciousness not only of philosophers but also physicists, however, the...


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The launch of SpaceX Crew Dragon to ISS postponed — will it take place again?

The launch of SpaceX Crew Dragon to ISS postponed — will it take place again?

SpaceX was unable to launch its first manned space flight on may 27 as previously planned. 17 minutes before the launch the crew Dragon Crew reported that while they remain on Earth — alas, but the weather conditions did not allow...


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SpaceX postponed the launch of the Crew Dragon to ISS — will it take place again?

SpaceX postponed the launch of the Crew Dragon to ISS — will it take place again?

SpaceX was unable to carry out their first manned space flight on may 27 as previously planned. 17 minutes before the launch the crew Dragon Crew reported that while they remain on Earth — alas, but the weather conditions did not ...


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The source of power for the new lunar Rover is a laser. How does it work?

The source of power for the new lunar Rover is a laser. How does it work?

Humankind periodically sends to the moon special moon Rovers (Rovers), which allow you to learn more about the Earth's satellite. For example, thanks to one of the soil analysis of the moon, astronomers were able to learn that the...


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Found closest to the Earth black hole: is she dangerous?

Found closest to the Earth black hole: is she dangerous?

Astronomers have discovered a new black hole that is closest to the Earth. The distance between the black hole and the Solar system is a thousand light years. Previously, the closest to our planet black hole was found at a distanc...


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Eyes are able to clean themselves, just like the brain

Eyes are able to clean themselves, just like the brain

Sleep is an incredibly interesting state of the body, during which we restore power. Recent studies have shown that while we sleep the brain is in the truest sense of the word washes himself with the cerebrospinal fluid that maint...


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10 most interesting planets in our galaxy

10 most interesting planets in our galaxy

Although from the point of view of astronomy the milky Way in size is pretty "average" galaxy, in fact it can be up to 100 billion planets! Needless to say that most of them are still not fully understood, and, I think, to explore...


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How to desalinate water?

How to desalinate water?

photographs taken from space shows that our planet is more water than land. It is completely unexpected and somewhat inconceivable that less than three percent of earth's water is fresh water. According to the USGS, a large part o...


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Why quantum physics is akin to magic?

Why quantum physics is akin to magic?

What do you know about quantum physics? Even a humanist like me, it is clear that physics and quantum physics are studying slightly different things. While physics in General is the science of nature, which studies how the world w...


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How to stop the pandemic of the novel coronavirus? Four possible scenarios

How to stop the pandemic of the novel coronavirus? Four possible scenarios

a new unknown science of the virus, the world learned at the end of last year. However, we all underestimated it a bit. So, despite the fact that we in the editorial much has been written about SARS-CoV-2, to me became ...


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How to predict the weather and who's doing it

How to predict the weather and who's doing it

In the world there are not many things that man has not yet been able to subjugate or at least the maximum to approach that. While he can only adapt and learn to predict these events and phenomena. And are born of the intelligence...


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What are the rudiments of man and why they still need

What are the rudiments of man and why they still need

have You ever wondered why your body there are certain organs? If the heart, kidneys and liver all the same it is clear, then what is the function of, for example, the Appendix? Why do we need muscles in your ears? And about wisdo...


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