Google has released a new "musical" product


2018-03-05 15:00:08




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Google has released a new Source:

Users always expect new products from Google, no matter what was discussed — about the next version of the Android operating system, the new Nexus or other services and products. For many people Google is the modern reality that a company that makes technology not just more functional but also more accessible to a wide user audience. What she pleased with the creative people on this time?

Google provides a wide audience not only its services and the most popular operating system for mobile devices, Android, but also a number of other software tools among which there are those who are very able to help people who have begun to get involved in the creation of music. As reported by Dani DIL (Dani Jere) on the resource page , Chrome's Music Lab has released a new tool to create music, which is called .

For many modern people, the creativity began to play a huge role. A paint, photograph, make music. Creativity is now not only available to professionals. Thanks to the progress in computer technology allowed initially designed for computing machines to be an excellent means of creating multimedia content for many users a particular area of creativity is a favorite hobby, a pleasant and useful for self-development activities.

One of the most notable trends of our time is the desire not only to watch and listen created by someone of the content but also to create it. And that means constantly emerging software tools, focused on their use by a broad audience of users in their daily work.

It Should be noted that creative applications are myriad. But when such software product releases is one of the leaders of modern high-tech industry by Google, it becomes particularly interesting to a wide audience of users who are perfectly familiar with other products and services of the search giant.

Song Maker — the browser-based software product that gives users the opportunity to work with two musical instruments at the user's choice. Then created using the new software synthesizer musical masterpiece can be saved or sent to someone to collaborate on its further improvement. After all, creativity can be interesting not only and not so much in itself as in the quality of communication and new interesting topics for him. Song Maker — an easy way of "converting" sketches in melody, and with it users will be able to realize two aspirations — to draw and to make music.

It Should be noted that this tool was developed before. Google Creative Lab in 2016 has released Chrome Music Lab. This complex includes several tools for working with music.

Song Maker is a more complex software, although it still remains quite simple. In the interface of a synthesizer has two sections — for the main melody and rhythm settings. The user in each section will be able to choose between multiple options, then make your notes using a mouse, keyboard or finger. It all depends on what device is used — a personal computer equipped with a physical keyboard and a connected mouse, or a device with a touch interface. Because devices with touch screens now at least, and perhaps even more popular than PCs.

Supports MIDI-keyboard and the ability to sing the motif with the use of a microphone. In addition to the main interface, there is also a number of additional options allowing advanced customization created by the user of the composition. The user, for example, can adjust the tempo using the slider. These settings are not exhausted. Although we are talking about and synthesizer, designed primarily for those users who are just starting to create music, Song Maker appears to be quite functional instrument.

It Should be noted that from Chrome Song Maker Music Lab is one of many tools to create music that is provided to users free of charge.

Another Widely known like a software tool that transforms music users drawn sketches. Another striking example of relatively simple tools that can help novice composers to realize their creative achievements, Novation is created a browser-based version of its Launchpad, which is called .

Readers will be able to discuss not only the new browser-based synth Song Maker, but also the opportunities for creative Hobbies that give modern digital technology.


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