CRYPTOMACH / Office of cryptomelane, Bitcoin over 44 thousand, mining ZenCash and panic because Bitmain


2018-07-01 22:00:10




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CRYPTOMACH / Office of cryptomelane, Bitcoin over 44 thousand, mining ZenCash and panic because Bitmain Source:

Hot summer continues — come July. It's time to sum up the last week and recall the main events. This time was most memorable predictions of the value of Bitcoin, the pictures of office and home cryptocurrency billionaire and a growing share in herate Bitmain Bitcoin network.


John McAfee: Bitcoin is growing even in a bear market

McAfee again consoled his followers on Twitter. According to him, even the current level of Bitcoin in 6 thousand is very steep compared to the price a year ago. Cryptocurrency accelerate the rate of growth every year, so John urged not to look at the graphs. We need to be realistic.



McAfee, Saltbae and Lamborghini. Fresh reinforcements Telegram stickers for fans of crypto-currencies

We have updated a selection of branded Telegram stickers for fans of the cryptocurrency. It appeared the said John McAfee, Saltby, yellow Lamba and other colorful characters.



Ticket to the moon: the ETF can profanity Bitcoin to 44 thousand dollars

Co-Founder BlockTower Ari Paul suggests that the next race the price of cryptocurrencies will start from the arrival to the niche of open-ended investment funds. In this case, one BTC will be given from 26 to 44 thousand dollars. Good prospects.



How to look like the office and house of cryptocurrency billionaire? Photos of the project

If you hudlite, you probably dream of one day exchange the stocks of coins for a few million dollars. When money is too much, invest them in the construction of dream homes. As an example, take the project of Anthony Di Iorio. The photos are impressive.



How to mine ZenCash? Manual, profitability and cunning production ZEN

By tradition, have discussed features of mining coins. This time, the sight got ZenCash. Inside — list of exchanges, wallets, the profitability of mining and the settings to start the process.



it's not so bad: whales hoglet Bitcoin

According to the researchers, the whales are out of the market and not sell the assets for beginners. This means that they remain in the subject and hope for new jerks. They probably have some insider information.



Jordan Belfort: Bitcoin is not even close to its bottom

The Wolf of wall street again I walked along the main cryptocurrency. According to the Belfort, $ 6,100 per coin — not the bottom.



How to set Innosilicon A9 ZMaster for mining zcash for, ZClassic, BTCP and other Equihash-coins. Guide

Talk about setting a new miner algorithm Equihash from Innosilicon. A9 ZMaster will allow you to dig zcash for, ZClassic, Private Bitcoin and other coins. Incidentally, the day of production should bring about $ 90.



the state Duma may postpone the consideration of the law on cryptocurrency for fall

The long-Awaited law on regulation of cryptocurrencies in Russia can be postponed. A vote will take place in the fall. The reason was "the difficulty of cryptocurrency".



Fork me, baby. As developers Equihash coins are resisting ASIC miners

The Danger of the presence of ASIC-miners are worried about developers not all coins. Some of them have already switched to the updated algorithms, while others like as not going. Check out who values the users with GPU farms.



what is the reason for the fall of Bitcoin? The opinion of the trader

Jim Iuorio predicts the complication of the situation with Bitcoin. Also, the analyst believes the rising cost of to 20 thousand bubble. According to him, the reason for the jump of steel futures.



How Bithumb will return the stolen cryptocurrency? Details of the compensation plan

Hacking Bithumb turned into a multi-million dollar losses. Although the actual amount of damage decreased from 30 to 17 million, they still need to return. This wallet holders please apply. By the way, if they were holding off demanding payment of the total amount will increase.



Bitmain approaching 51 percent Hasrat network. Should we be afraid?

Bitmain owns three mining pools, which account for 42 percent Hasrat network of Bitcoin. Many worried about that, but sense in such actions a bit. The company is unlikely to destroy the source of their income. More expensive.



CRYPTOMACH / Maximum exchange rate of Bitcoin in the future, the output of the crypts on the map, Ycash and the Board of Finance

CRYPTOMACH / Maximum exchange rate of Bitcoin in the future, the output of the crypts on the map, Ycash and the Board of Finance

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